People Share Their Most Spine-Tingling Intuitive Moments

You've probably heard intuition described in a number of different ways.

It can be likened to a "gut feeling" or "a little voice in your head" and you've likely been told to listen to it when it speaks.


Because it can get you out of trouble, most likely.

Intuition has been defined as the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning, and it's saved people more than once.

People shared their most impactful experiences with their intuition after Redditor throwawaystheway asked the online community:

"What has been your most spine-tingling, bone-chilling, 'I have a bad feeling about this' experience? What happened?"

"I was walking to get groceries..."

"I was walking to get groceries and expecting a message from my gf with a shopping list. Felt a phantom vibration from my phone, stopped for a second to check it and right then a chunk of ice the size of a grapefruit smashed into the street directly in front of me, where my head would have been."


Ice is terrifying – I narrowly missed getting clobbered on the head by a piece of ice once myself.

It freaks you out!

"One week later..."

"Me and my friends were waiting for a bus when a group of guys came along. One asked us for a dollar (which we gave him) and then they just stayed to chat."

"They were perfectly nice, but all 3 of us had a really bad feeling. They asked us if we wanted to come to a party with them, we said oh no thanks, gotta get home."

"One week later, one of the guys was on the front page of the newspaper. He had just been released from prison for stabbing someone, and had done it again that night."


Thankfully you listened to your intuition and got out of there!


"The one that was the most impactful..."

"The one that was the most impactful was the time everything in my body was telling me to go see a sick friend. They’d been diagnosed with cancer, and it wasn’t looking great, but last time we spoke they were getting by. I sat at my desk, gritting my teeth, and then went ‘f*ck it,' and bolted from work."

"In a house full of people, I was the only one with them when they passed."


Hopefully the fact that you were able to be with them gave you some closure.

"I was solo backpacking..."

"I was solo backpacking within Inyo National Forest, I had just set up camp and was walking beyond this lake and up above the tree line. After walking about a quarter mile up this meadow the hairs on my neck began to stick straight up, instant chills."

"Didn’t know what reason but the gut reaction was enough for me to return to camp. Next morning on the way back to the car a Ranger asks me to be careful, mountain lion sightings in the area. I think I found out why my internal alarm went off."


Mountain lions are terrifying and it's not likely you would have made it out of there alive or without, at the very least, serious injury.

Good thing you listened to your intuition!

"A few years ago..."

"A few years ago a group or friends and I went out clubbing. We went into this one bar, and the moment I stepped in the door I felt a sense of dread. Every cell in my body was telling me, 'Get the hell out of there!' so after about 20 minutes, I convinced my friends that something felt really wrong, so we left and went home.

"The next day there was a news story about the club. There had been a shooting on the street in front of it and the people who had committed the shooting had been inside the club while we were there."


Assuming you are in the United States and considering how many mass shootings there are, it's a good thing you got out of there.

"I work in a bar..."

"I work in a bar in Southern California and while I was pouring a beer during the day shift I had this very weird feeling about an earthquake happening. Nothing was shaking or anything... I just got this weird image of everything coming down briefly."

"Seven hours later the shift is over and I'm at home on the couch watching TV (completely forgot about earlier) and WHAM massive earthquake hits and knocks a ton of stuff down in my apartment."

"Creepy to me!"


Earthquakes do not last long but they can be really unsettling!

"When I was 17..."

"When I was 17, I was hanging out with a friend and a decent looking college guy started talking to us."

"We both had this weird fantasy of wanting to date one of the guys from the local college (a decently well known college that caters to music/movie/animation/game design type stuff ---- I eventually married one, its not THAT cool, but I digress...)."

"Anyways, he invited us up to his apartment to watch one of his film projects and we agreed (like idiots). First off, he had NO furniture in his apartment. Just a couple pillows on the floor, and a TV and DVD player... also on the floor."

"The film was really REALLY uncomfortable to watch and I got really sketched out so I told my friend we needed to leave."

"A few days later she told me she hung out with him again. In a very serious tone, he asked her if he could film himself killing her and having sex with her corpse for a project."

"Maybe he wasnt actually serious, but who the f*ck asks that??? She managed to leave and we never did see this guy again. I wish I knew his name to see what he got up to."


This is pretty terrifying and let's just say I'm glad your friend did not end up on an episode of Forensic Files or Dateline.

"He ended up being suspended..."

"I was always uncomfortable around a mutual friend at university. Nothing specific but whenever he was around, the hairs stood up on the back of my neck. He was friendly enough, but always felt off. When there was only a seat left next to him at lunch, I would go eat by myself."

"He gave me a hug once and it was like touching a dead spider, I felt disgusting afterwards. He ended up being suspended from campus due to sexual assault allegations."


Some people can't help but give off a creepy vibe and if you do get that, run.

"On a random day..."

"On a random day, I don't even remember what I was doing, I suddenly had a very horrible feeling. I immediately thought of my grandfather, but I brushed it off because I sometimes have random bad thoughts for no reason."

"I kid you not, an hour later, my father calls me. He never does that. He goes 'I have bad news' and I just new it was my grandfather. It sounds mean when I say it, but I was relieved to hear he was just in the hospital and not worse. He had an emergency surgery and made it."

"He's still with us today, but that was quite the experience for me, especially considering I wasn't with him and I just knew."


Glad to hear your grandfather survived!

What a relief though this was certainly an unsettling experience.

I guess the moral of the story is always trust your gut.

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