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A tough realization that most of us have to process and accept at some point is the fact that our parents lied to us when we were kids.

But the tougher fact to process may not be the lying itself, but some of the lies that were told along the way.

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Dictionary open to the page that begins with the definition of "lying"
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

Let's be honest: we've all told a few white lies, either out of convenience or kindness.

But some lies are very difficult to get out of once they begin.

Then the liar has to decide if it's better to maintain the lie, or apologetically exit.

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People Who Knew Chronic Liars Break Down Their Worst Lies
Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Liar, liar pants on fire. Why do we lie?

Is it just human nature? Are lies just part of the package?

And are all lies really that bad?

So much to unpack.

Some people are the kind of liar so out of touch with reality, truth is an actual allergy.

You know who I'm talking about.

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Police Officers Share The Most Unbelievable Lies They've Caught Someone Telling Red-Handed

Folks listen... yes those are your pants and the police totally know it. Stop it. Nobody believes you.

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People Explain When Lying Is Better Than Telling The Truth
Andrew Rich / Getty Images

Listen, the phrase "honesty is the best policy" is one of those things we say, but we don't really mean as a blanket statement. Honesty is not, has never been, and will never be the best policy in every situation.

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