People Break Down Which Things Instantly Make Them Dislike Someone New

People Break Down Which Things Instantly Make Them Dislike Someone New
Photo by Ian Espinosa on Unsplash

Let's face it. We all have judgmental tendencies.

Some are very vocal about disliking a person, while others are more adept at expressing their animosity with one perfect stank eye.

Either way, as much as we feel like we generally get along with others, there are people we put our disapproving stamp on because of their personality, beliefs, or actions.

Redditor VanDerKrak wanted to explore more and asked:

"What's something that makes you instantly dislike a person?"

The responses regarding unlikable personality traits ranged from those who give insincere apologies, to people who are obnoxiously loud.

Do any of these scenarios seem familiar?

Sorry, Not Sorry

"When they apologize for doing something hurtful and they keep doing it again."


Authority On Everything

"when they act like they've experienced everything you have or know more about anything you are talking about as soon as you speak."


Loud and Proud

"Once at brunch, I was talking with this lady sitting near me. She mentioned being a teacher, and I joked that if I ever taught, the thing I'd have going for me is my loud voice, which would keep my students awake."

"Later on, her husband, unprompted, said he didn't think I was that loud and that he was louder. Then, I swear to God, in the middle of this nice restaurant, he let out an inarticulate bellow to prove his point."

"For the record, I'm a gay man and I was at brunch with my husband, so he couldn't possibly be insecure about a man chatting up his wife. He was just some weirdo who had to measure his d*ck in decibels. I can't understand people who have to be the best at anything, even dumb sh*t like who talks louder."


britney spears covering ears GIFGiphy

I'm More Tragic Than You

"Whenever they act like all of your life struggles are minute compared to theirs."


Just Say It

"If they are being passive-aggressive. Don't try to pass an insult off as a gift just because you put a bow on it. If you have something to say, just say it directly."


Communicating Like Adults

"THIS. JUST SPEAK WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND! If you have a problem, let's talk about it. I don't have time to interpret your passive aggressive statements. JUST COMMUNICATE. It's so easy... it's so easy to have a discussion when you're straight forward with your thoughts."


Higher Than Thou

"People who make fun of McDonald's workers or the like. I used to work there and now I have since moved to the corporate world, but working at McDonalds was the most life draining job I have ever had. True respect to anyone that does all that for minimum wage + the benefits of being cussed out by customers, ridiculed, spit on, demeaned by management and working insanely long hours."


Are You Listening?

"When you talk, they just glaze over, waiting for a chance to talk themselves. Usually about themselves."


The Blame Game

"Victim mentality, when they apply all their time and energy to assigning blame and complaining about things with no self-reflection or effort to change anything. Any advice given will be immediately shot down and met with a stream of excuses as to why."


Gatsby Complex

"Lying or pretending to be somebody you're not. Don't try to impress someone by bankrupting yourself by trying to live a champagne lifestyle on a koolaid budget."


Man walking away with a briefcase
Marten Bjork/Unsplash

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