People Explain Which Small Things Immediately Make Them Dislike A Stranger

People Explain Which Small Things Immediately Make Them Dislike A Stranger
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

There's something seeing a person litter that drives me up the wall. I remember being a kid and being explicitly told to hold on to my trash and not just throw it in the street. As a kid, I distinctly remember being made fun of for not just throwing the bag of chips I'd just eaten or an empty soda bottle into the gutter.

I can't imagine doing that. Why?! We truly treat this planet as if we have somewhere else to go.

After Redditor pnrddt asked the online community, "What small action immediately makes you dislike a stranger?" people shared their observations.

"Playing music..."

Playing music or having a 'private' conversation via speaker phone in a public place.


"When they exhibit..."

When they exhibit a personality trait that I also have, and don't like about myself. Every time I find myself being dismissive or judgemental of somebody, it's just my own insecurity.


"When I'm talking..."

When I'm talking and they are not listening. Like they are not even trying to pretend that they are listening.


"Because one of these days..."

A person can treat me like a princess but as soon as I see them mistreating either animals or people, I am out of there. Because one of these days, you'll be on that receiving end.


"It just screams..."

Telling people to smile. It just screams condescending and a lack of emotional intelligence.


"When I hear that..."

Grown ups using "baby talk" to try to get what they want. I'm not talking about when people goo-goo at babies, but when they use a silly whiney voice to try to persuade people or make people do them a favour.

"Aww, pwease hewp me wiv dis wittle pwoject."

When I hear that I instantly lose respect for that person, be it a stranger or someone I know.

Pet peeve.


"Okay, we get it..."

One-upping people. "Yeah, that's pretty good, but one time I..." Okay, we get it, your life is more amazing than everyone else's.


"When out driving..."

When out driving, someone who pulls out in front of you, then proceeds to go 5-10+ mph under the speed limit.


"If you don't..."

Talking negatively about anyone who's just trying to have a good time in a fun setting. If you don't have nice to say shut the hell up.


"When people..."

When people put other people down to try and make themselves look better. "Oh I'm just playing around with them we're friends." I don't care quit being an @ss you know what you're doing and you should be able to tell you're making them feel bad.


"If it's into a drain..."

Spitting on the pavement.

If it's into a drain, that's fair enough, sometimes you get phlegm and you need to get rid of it. Going for a drain shows you're at least considerate of other, imo. But on the floor where anyone can step in it (or if you're in a wheelchair, get it all over your hands from pushing the wheels) is just gross.


"I understand..."

Scolding someone else's kid. Unless you're a babysitter or nanny, this is unacceptable. I understand wanting the kid to behave, but let the parents handle it.


"Using the button..."

Using the button for disabled people to open doors even though they are perfectly capable of opening the doors on their own.



Being late. Punctuality is an underrated virtue.


"People who don't..."

People who don't put their carts away! What kind of a-hole just leaves it in a parking space when there are corrals for carts all over the damn lot?!


"I hate people who can't..."

"Spilling the tea."

Stop talking crap about your friends or other people I don't know/don't care about. I hate people who can't keep their mouths shut.


"Just in general..."

Putting your belongings, like bags, on other seats. Just in general taking up more than one seat on public transport. Seriously, other people need to sit, and it's even worse if there's limited seating at the time.


"When I talk about something..."

When I talk about something serious going on with either me or someone else,

And all they do is chuckle and say "same."


"When they pull out..."

When they pull out any type of tobacco or nicotine. I know it's hard to quit, but still.


"Being in a situation..."

Being in a situation where they're meant to engage with someone else -- a clerk at a desk, for instance -- and just staring at their phone. Basically treating people like tabs in the background that they switch to at their convenience instead of... you know, like people.


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