People Break Down The Strongest Case Of Déjà Vu They've Ever Experienced

Is this happening again?

People Break Down The Strongest Case Of Déjà Vu They've Ever Experienced

Who hasn't had those haunting moments when it feels like life itself is trying to drive you crazy? Didn't I already do this? Didn't we have this conversation? Am I dreaming? All valid questions. It maybe that we are all a wee bit psychic. Deja vú is creepy yet fascinating part of life. it's almost visceral.

Redditor u/ShopliftedTacos wanted to discuss the moments when it feels like life is trying to play a trick on us by asking..... What is the strongest feeling of déjà vu you've experienced?

Cash Out....


I swear I saw that cash me outside girl on TV before she was on Dr. Phil.

I thought it was a re-run and was telling people I'd already seen it. Reddit

From Canada with Love....

Just wanted to say that in my culture deja vu is you catching up with your spirit. It's a reminder that you are where you are meant to be. I'm First Nations from Canada. It helped me a lot recently. I found my Father deceased. I blamed myself a little because I had to go in for night shift and he assured me he would be okay. I found him deceased when I came home from work. Over the next month, I had deja vu several times. My Uncle's (his brothers) told me never to blame myself. He had been sick with diabetes for years. Wackydetective

"I knew"

Déjà vu is a common symptom of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) which I've suffered from my whole life. The intensity of a TLE déjà vu episode is almost always so very specific down to most minute detail. I used to think I had ESP as a kid before I was diagnosed because of "I knew" I'd seen that moment before. I've had several intense moments of déjà vu before a seizure.

The most intense was shortly after having a partial temporal lobectomy. This was 15 years ago now. I was out with my girlfriend at the local Blockbuster. We were looking at the new release wall around the L-K section. I looked at my girlfriend as she quietly read the the back of the case for Kingdom Of Heaven. She looked up, smiled at me then scratched her nose as the light above her flickered.

Her hair fell down a bit and covered one eye. A couple argued about what kid's movie to get for their kids birthday party. In my mind I knew I had witnessed this exact moment in it's entirety. I had a seizure not long after. Eeknock

The "Original" Version. 

When I was a little kid (maybe 4-5), I used to look through my family's photo albums quite frequently (this was pre-internet when people still had photo albums.) There were photos of my brother and myself as babies, old family photos before we were born, etc.

I remember seeing a particular photo of me hiding behind an easel and smiling as someone is taking a picture of me. It was something I thought I had actively stored in my head and must have been taken before I was able to really form memories.

But the weird thing is, like a year later, I was running away from my dad who was trying to take a picture of me and hid behind the easel without thinking about it. When he got the photos developed shortly after, I was looking through the photos and I saw that very same photo of myself hiding behind the easel as I thought I saw when I was 4 or 5.

And I looked for the first "original version" but I couldn't find it anywhere and this had to be the only one.

I swear I thought I was able to see the future after that but learned it must have been déjà vu later on. Can think of like 5 other strong occurrences of it when I was a little kid. YarmNemble



I sometimes have rare moments where something happens and I get a split second feeling that I had dreamed that action occurring the night before. comrade_batman

To the Graveyard....

Was around 15 riding bikes home with some friends. We crossed the train tracks and headed towards the graveyard but before we got to the graveyard I told everyone to peddle as fast as they could because a blue dump truck was about to come around the corner speeding like crazy. As soon as we entered the graveyard a blue speeding dump truck came passing by. We all freaked the hell out. mmushymouf

I get confused and disoriented.....

I experience feelings of deja vu relatively often. I don't really remember my dreams, but sometimes something happens and it feels like exactly this has happened to me before in a dream. Usually it's something small and I ignore it, but once in a while the feeling is so strong I get confused and disoriented. Like over the summer I remember I was hiking with a group of people and we had stopped for a break.

One of the women was talking to us about the route we where taking, where we should next stop etc, I remember hearing the conversations if the people around me, and the trees and sounds. It kinda feels like something hitting you square in the chest, I was SURE that I had seen this before. Smothi

Reply.... Again?

I just had one the other day. Usually when I get the Deja Vu feeling, I can tell. Not with this one. I was reading through an email my coworker had gotten. I could have *sworn* that I'd read it the previous week because I recognized it. It was from the same person and everything. When I said "Wait, is this the same email he sent you last week and you just haven't replied yet?" she looked at me like I had two heads and told me that it had only come in that morning. squilliam_z_fancyson

You Mentioned. 

I have bouts of déjà vu on a regular basis. The strongest one was at work. My supervisor started to talk to me about a delivery. I said "I know, you already told me earlier" I even told him details about the delivery. He looked confused then told me I couldn't have known that as I haven't been in the office, nor did he leave the office since receiving the email about this delivery. I remembered him talking about earlier in the day but he even showed me the email which was only sent about 2 minutes before I entered the office. The_Crig

My BF was saying....

Probably the time I was reading a book and talking to my boyfriend. When I got to the exact line that started it and knew the beginning of the argument was happening and I was outside my head watching it happen. Snickerdoodleydoo


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