Guys Share The Most Obvious Hints From A Girl That They Totally Missed

Guys Share The Most Obvious Hints From A Girl That They Totally Missed
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...You know, sometimes, men just miss the mark. By a lot.

Expect an overabundance of facepalms while reading the following entries.

Reddit user, u/Nermal666, wanted to know what men need to keep their ears open for when they asked:

Guys, what is the most obvious hint from a girl you've missed?


Her: " do you have a girlfriend"

me: "no" (just typing this hurts me she was super cute)

her: "lol really that's so suprising, I don't have a boyfriend"

me: "lol"


*nutty facepalm


A girl literally confessed her feelings directly to me and I didn't hear it cause I zoned out looking at a squirrel


*camping facepalm

I was fifteen or sixteen, camping with some friends, no parents. Met a girl, who said I could stay in her tent that night.

"No, that's ok, I already have a place to sleep"


*bathroom facepalm

When I was drunkenly flirting with a girl (I never flirt and I'm horrible with girls in general so didn't think I was getting anywhere) and asked her where the bathroom was. She said 'I'll show you' then came in with me and asked what I wanted to do.

Awfully confused I says 'well I want to have a piss, you'll have to leave'.

She said 'oh' and left

Took me about 6 months before I figured that one out


*last day of school facepalm

In 8th grade there was this blonde girl about as tall as I was. Everyday she asked for a hug from Me and I thought it was like how girls hug eachother in a friend way and that she didnt exactly see me as masculine.

Her friend told me on the last day that the girl really liked me the whole time and I just let out a loud "Ohhhhhhhhhhh" in the quiet classroom. I feel a little dumb now but now their conversation in the background made way more sense


*press play facepalm

A girl once burned me a mix CD of almost nothing but love songs. My guy friends and I held a small conference where we listened to the CD in full and tried to see if there was some hidden message there.

We came up with a solid maybe.

There were 6 of us debating this.


*cousin facepalm

I have always had a crush on this girl.

We started texting a bit fir a few months and she says "I love you". I did not reply back for two hours and she later says it was her cousin who texted. Even before she texted this she gave a lot of hints.

F-ck I still regret it


*daddy facepalm

I'mma just say. The "obvious hint" isn't a hint sometimes... I know because. Well. Mine wasn't

I met this girl in middle school and we hit it off right away. We talked all the time, we called, texted 24/7. She was cute and... honestly. Out of my league. In Highschool we had this stupid joke we started where she'd call me daddy all the time. People told me constantly after that, that she had a thing for me. I didn't think so. But people always pointed out how we hugged all the time and even held hands sometimes. So they told me to ask her out... and I did

She told me she only thinks of me as a friend, then stopped being my friend because "it's weird now"... yeah. I miss her sometimes but I honestly don't blame her. I shouldn't have said anything :(


*homework facepalm

She would stare at me constantly during class and we would even occasionally lock eyes. I just thought there was something interesting behind me even though there was only a plain wall behind me.

Then, once in Biology, we were allowed to sit next to whoever we wanted to. My best friend came over to sit next to me but couldn't because she had sat there. Then, my friend jokingly said, "Just because you want to sleep him doesn't mean you get to sit next to him instead of me."

She then replied, "I do actually." Meanwhile, my dumb self just sat there thinking about the homework I had forgotten to do. The whole lesson was filled with her 'accidentally' brushing my hand and her blushing afterwards.

Turns out, she wasn't joking and I completely missed it.


*too baked to facepalm

I was super baked hanging out with some friends, including these girls who were into me, and I asked where the bathroom was. One of the girls said she'd show me, and when we got to the bathroom, she asked if I needed any help.

I was too high to comprehend so I gave her a weird look and said "uh no..." and shut the door. As I was peeing I realized the mistake I made :(


*high school facepalm

I was in high school, and there was this girl that went out of her way to make sure I remembered her name (the orchestra and band rooms were right next to each other and she'd always come and talk to me and point out her name). After school, she'd be at my locker just waiting to talk with me.

I noticed that she would appear at my track and lacrosse practices/games. She'd also move any girls who were near me out of the way so she could constantly walk with me in the halls. I honestly thought nothing of it all.

I didn't see her until 15 years later. The day before I got married, I was driving through my hometown and saw her outside. I parked and spoke with her for a few minutes. She actually pointed out all of those things and boy did I feel stupid. She ended it all by saying that it sounds like I'm marrying a great girl and everything apparently does happen for a reason.


*texting fail facepalm

Her: Do you have girlfriend?
Me: Nope.
Her: Let me help you with that. *sends number*
Me: Thanks!

Idiot me at 18 (29 now) thought she meant I could call her whenever to have support in my loneliness. Really liked her too, so I'm still beating myself up for not getting the more than obvious hint.


*hey facepalm

She kept messaging me on facebook. Literally the start of our whole conversation was basically just her typing "hey" 50 times on 50 different days, sometimes interlaced with one word responses on my part. Her friends also kept asking what I thought about her, and I was still none the wiser.


*cheating facepalm

Yikes. I have so many of these. Here is one:

9th grade. We have seating arrangements that change every new term. I sit on the edge of a rectangular table and next to me sits a cute girl from orchestra class (We both played the violin). One day she tells me she always likes how she can talk to me. I don't know what to do so I mutter an awkward "yeah ok".

A few days later it is a new term and everybody changes seats. Everybody but me and Orchestra girl. I suspect something up so I ask her why we never moved. She gets all awkward and tells me that sitting next to me helps her grades and so she requested the teacher to keep us together. What do I do? Approach the teacher after class and tell her that I suspect Orchestra girl is cheating off of me. The teacher laughs at me and tells me not to worry.

It clicks. . . two years later. I still feel the shame.


*punch yourself in the face facepalm

So it's grade eight, were having a dance to celebrate us going to highschool. this girl I know asks me to find her a date, she says she wants a guy who's tall and has brown hair

"hmmm sounds like me"

aeveryone tells me she's trying to get me to ask her and I thought they were BS-ing me, tenth grade rolls around and apparently she had a huge crush on me...

I was punching myself for weeks afterwards.


*eventually gets it facepalm

Her: Do you have a girlfriend?

Me: one would date me anyway.

Her: I'd date you.

Me: Thanks, but you don't need to pity me.

Her: I would date you

Me: Thanks but...

Her: Are you free on Saturday?

Me: Surprised Pikachu face

And we're going on two years in October


*happily ever after facepalm

Me posting on Facebook: "anyone wanna go hiking this weekend?"

Cute girl: "I'll go."

After a long hike and dinner, I still didn't know I was on a date until I was dropping her off. Seriously thought we were just hiking. We're married now.


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So it boggles my mind that people aren't required to have a license to have kids.

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As an adult, I was haunted by a few thigs.

I can't imagine the scaring of an adolescent.

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