People Explain Which Conspiracy Theories Bug Them The Most Since They're So Easy To Debunk

People Explain Which Conspiracy Theories Bug Them The Most Since They're So Easy To Debunk
Image by Anemone123 from Pixabay

There are few conspiracy theories that annoy me lately as much as the QAnon conspiracy theory. Other than it posing a grave threat to our democracy, I can't imagine why anyone in their right mind would take any of it as gospel. It's also remarkably easy to debunk––I'm still waiting for "the Storm" amid the ever-changing goalposts, by the way.

Turns out there are quite a few other conspiracies out there annoy the hell out of people, as we discovered once Redditor Sonic-the-edge-dog asked the online community,

"What's a conspiracy theory that annoys you due to how easily disprovable it is?"

"Some dude I know..."

"Some dude I know swears nuclear weapons and related tech is all a lie. The Manhattan Project was just for show. We never nuked Hiroshima or Nagasaki (or any other test site afterward). Those cities were conventionally bombed and we made up the story afterward. I can't even begin to address the number of people required to keep that secret is...unbelievable. not to mention that okay the weapons are fake but then how are we generating power from all of those power plants? That's all fake too?"


"My friend really, truly believes..."

"My friend really, truly believes that space is not real, that we are just living under a giant screen and Earth is an enclosed experiment being run by someone."


Sounds like The Truman Show, if you ask me. Did you know that there's a type of delusion named after the film? The more you know.

"It has been known to be a sphere..."

"Flat earth. It has been known to be a sphere for thousands of years. Newton calculated that it is wider at the equator without leaving his house.

Why would the Earth be flat if other celestial bodies are not? What do they think NASA or whoever has to gain from lying to us?"


Remember: The Flat Earth movement has followers all around the globe.

"Being annoyed by that..."

"The Holocaust being fake. Being annoyed by that is putting it lightly."


"That 5G..."

That 5G caused the coronavirus.


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"Everybody who barely looks into this..."

"Vaccines cause autism.

Andrew Wakefield published fraudulent data. His medical license has been revoked. Everybody who barely looks into this can find that he's a liar who told a lie that ruined his professional life."


Andrew Wakefield trolled us all and to think that there are people out there still quoting his "work" is a big reason why there are so many out there who are dying from completely preventable diseases.

"Why would Bill Gates..."

"That vaccines are for putting nanotech chips into people for easier tracking...

Why would Bill Gates need to mass-produce some of the most advanced tech in the world to track you when he can already do that through your phone?"


"Someone making this argument..."

""Jet fuel can't melt steel beams." Someone making this argument literally supplied me with the article on eutectic combinations that explained how it worked, but the person supplying the article never read past the first paragraph and thought it meant the opposite of what it was saying."


People never seem to read past the headline––it's so aggravating.

"You know you could have just simplified..."

"That Jewish space lasers are responsible for California wildfires.

You know you could have just simplified the conspiracy to "Jews lit American forests on fire."

Oh, yeah, and this person is in the Congress of the United States."


Yeah... she's really something, isn't she?

"We brought back..."

"What gets me are people who say THE moon landing was faked. We went back FIVE MORE TIMES. It wasn't just the one time. We brought back a bunch of s*** and left a bunch of s*** up there. If it was fake do you think all of the dudes that went up there and that the thousands of people who worked on the project would have been able to keep silent about it?!"


These conspiracy theories must be profitable. But remember when they were seemingly harmless? Didn't people believe Avril Lavigne had a clone or something at some point? Those were the days.

Have some conspiracy theories that annoy you? Feel free to tell us about them in the comments below!

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