People Share The Unrealistic Thing That Always Happens In Movies That Annoys Them To No End

There are just somethings even imagination can't help with...

As much as we love make believe and the willingness to lose ourselves in other worlds and the lives of characters on a screen, sometimes stories can get just a smidge out of hand. Or perhaps there is that one small detail that could be avoided with some originality. Being taken out of the story is just as easy as being engrossed in it.

Redditor u/Falcon_Ranger wanted to discuss what movies had some of us seeing red with out there plot lines by asking.... What is something unrealistic that you often see in movies that annoys the hell out of you?



When someone throws a grenade into a building and manages to make a nuclear level explosion out of it. UnPhayzable

Backstory Timing. 

Not-so-subtle exposition.

"Can I come in, sweety?"

"Oh come on mom! You know father died three years ago in a car crash and nothing we do can change that!" hyker1811

Terry Pratchet calls this the "As you know, your father, the King" speech.

Especially in movies, where you have so little time, the dialogue ends up being really unrealistic because it's so hard to communicate that information authentically. Books_and_Cleverness

Key or Combination?

I hate how every lock can be broken by shooting a single round at it. LeonardTringo

Or electronic locks. Just shoot up the keypad and the door will magically unlock. No, Karen, you just destroyed our only means of unlocking the door. Now it is locked forever. FOREVER. approvedmessage

It's a Miss. 

Finding a parking place directly in front of the business you need to visit. WTF? That's about as realistic as the bad guys firing 23 bullets at the good guy and MISSING him every time. CarlSpencer

A paper Cut.


When they dive through glass panes and come out without a scratch on the other side. Sotomagic

The break-in scene by Ryan Gosling in "The Nice Guys" is an amazing subversion to this trope. So much blood lol jaseguitar


Gunfire in enclosed spaces followed by conversation. Gunfire is damn loud and after a Hollywood fire-fight without ear protection, all you'd hear is mawp mawp mawp. whiterice07

Had a shotgun go off in my small apartment once (complete lapse of gun safety awareness) and was basically deaf for about twenty minutes. Still haven't told my wife and we have moved out since. Sean-OTeague

World Politics. 

When government agents show up in a foreign country and have a shoot out with the bad guys out in public. The shoot out ends, the world moves on, and the government agents return back to the office to talk about what to do next.

One, this never happens like it does in the movies.

Two, if it ever did, it would be all over the news in every country, everyone would know who the government agents are, countries would be having to resolve diplomatic nightmares, and the agents would probably not be in the field again for quite some time. strong_survival

Click. Click. 

Guns that click every single time they're pointed at someone. Also whenever someone is threatening another person at gun point, then they chamber a round. Zer0SWAGFATHER

A Shock & Damn.

Anything medical related. You don't defibrillate (shock) a flat line. It won't work. Terrible_Golfer

Don't forget punching his chest saying "NOT NOW DAMMIT!" idontlikeflamingos

Or is it all too Real?


People turning their heads around to talk for extended periods while driving. Focus on the road damn it! hdx514

That always makes me physically nervous. I find myself running to yell at the screen "keep your eyes on the Damned road!" harpejjist


What other movies have you all seen that has stirred u some ire?

When you gotta go, you go.

That should be a mantra for getting rid of the toxic people in our lives.

Not every relationship is meant to last forever.

Some people don't know how to be friends.

They are awfully good at pretending though.

Be vigilant of the signs and red flags.

Toxic people are crafty.

And once you're free, never look back.

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