Brave People Admit The Weirdest Things They've Ever Tried In Their Lives

Brave People Admit The Weirdest Things They've Ever Tried In Their Lives

Brave People Admit The Weirdest Things They've Ever Tried In Their Lives

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Bravery comes in different forms. Some people rush towards the danger, some people jump off that cliff, some people (like our Dad) go ahead and add ham to their peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Just because something sounds weird shouldn't be enough to keep the brave among us from diving right in. Luckily for those of us who are less-bold, Reddit tends to attract a certain kind of personality - and they like to share their proverbial war stories. One redditor wanted to know what kinds of weird stuff people were getting up to, so they asked:

What is your, "I know it sounds weird, but just try it" thing?

We're going to be honest ... a lot of this is going to be about food and you're probably going to have wicked munchies by the time we're done here. You've been warned.

Do The Class Presentation First

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For the love of god do your presentation first (unless I'm in your class).

You get it done and over with, and there is zero chance of you having to follow up a stellar presentation and looking bad.


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Go to the doctor and get your ear wax flushed out. It feels orgasmic and then you hear in high definition for like a week.

Brain Freeze - On Purpose

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If you feel a migraine coming on, chug a few glasses of ice water and give yourself the worst brain freeze you've ever had. It may stop the migraine.

My aunt gave me that tip about five years ago after I had a terrible migraine that put me in the hospital. The very next migraine I got, as soon as I started to see the aura, I drank a bunch of ice water and gave myself brain freeze a good three times. It worked - the aura fizzled out and the headache never came.

Since then, I use that trick every time, and I'll be damned, it works every time.

If It's Good Enough For Astronauts...

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Using Tang in mixed drinks.

My favorite is the astronaut's screwdriver: one part vodka, one part sprite, add tang to personal preference.

Bats Are Onto Something Here

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I have this contraption that flips you upside down and holds you by your ankles like some sort masochistic slaughter cow, but it pops your back and decompresses your spine leaving you feeling like you just experienced a tantric orgasm.

Inversion chairs, get one. Yesterday.

Peanut Butter Bacon Burger

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Peanut butter & bacon hamburger. Ordered one from a restaurant once because it was weird and immediately craved them for weeks after to the point I was making them at home. Not a healthy addiction, but that shit's delicious.

Ignore The Fuzzy Stuff

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Try eating a kiwi fruit like an apple. Just bite in. Ignore the fuzzy stuff. You won't recognize it. I always eat it like this. Not trolling.

Leggings ARE Pants!

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I'm wearing leggings, and it's the greatest thing in the world.

I'm a man.

Dorito Dippin'

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I never thought eating Dorito's with Sour Cream was weird until my husband caught me, and said it was disgusting.

He loves me, he is great, but the Dorito/Sour Cream Combo he just can't handle.

Vinegar Cocktails

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One of my oldest friends is a bartender, and we've come up with a fair number of cocktails that sound too weird to be enjoyable. Check this one out:

Red Vine

  • 1/2 Shot of Jägermeister
  • 1/2 Shot of Balsamic Vinegar

  1. Combine both ingredients in a shaker.
  2. Shake.
  3. Pour into a chilled shot glass.
  4. Sip.
  5. No, really. Don't knock it until you've tried it.

Risky Business

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Take more risks just for the hell of it.

I don't mean bungee jumping or robbing a liquor store. I mean talking to people you don't know, or calling customer service to ask for refund on a disappointing product, approaching someone you think is cute to start a conversation, or take a class in something you love but know little about. In all these situations there's the chance you will be shut down or even publicly embarrassed. But you will get used to small disappointments and it will embolden you to take bigger risks in the future. Plus, you will be surprised how often things actually work out for the better. Going into a situation thinking you're doing just for the experience takes a lot of the pressure off, too, and helps get positive results.

Coffee Beer?

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A chilled shot of espresso in a beer. I have yet to have anyone say ohh that looks yummy nor has anyone been disappointed. Note from the editor: best if added to a beer like PBR. You're not going to make a PBR any worse. Must be 21 or older to consume alcoholic beverages, please drink responsibly.

Grill With Mayo

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I was taught to butter the outside of my grilled cheese with butter or margerine, but my better half finally convinced me to oil up the bread with mayonnaise.

I know this sounds weird, but it's fucking AMAZING.

You can either butter just the exterior surfaces, or you can butter both "interior" and exterior with mayonnaise. If you choose the latter, grill the interiors first until crispy and brown, and then flip one side, cheese it, and place the toasted surface of the other piece of bread against the top of the cheese. Now proceed with toasting the exteriors as normal.

...and, of course, serve with soup because it's f*cking grilled cheese. I won't ever use butter for grilled cheese again.

Indian Pizza

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Indian food on pizza. My cousin, who is now married and has his own house and all, has become quite the cooking connesseur, especially with pizzas.

He'll make one pizza with chicken tika masala, another with chicken korma, and so on. Sounds wierd but it's probably the best thing to ever bless this godforsaken rock in the entire observable universe.

Eyes FIRST, Then Face

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Doing your eye makeup before your face makeup! It's weird at first, but it makes life so much easier. Eye makeup (eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, false lashes) tends to be what most people screw up on anyways. Why should you put on your primer, foundation, powder, blush, bronzer, highlight only to wash it all off if you mess up your eye makeup to the point that its beyond salvaging?

Eyeshadow fallout, uneven eyeliner, lash adhesive everywhere, and mascara mess could all be solved by just doing your eyes first.

Knees Up

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Can't poop? Put your feet on the toilet seat with you, wrap your arms around your knees, hook your fingers together and push.

Pancakes With What?

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Pancakes with cheddar cheese, sugar and lemon juice...together. It just works, but haven't found anyone else who has tried it or is willing to try it.

Raw Ramen

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I love eating top ramen noodles raw. Raw noodles in general are great, but these come with flavor packets. Sprinkle it on the top and bottom and eat the noodle brick like a sandwich. Alternatively, crush the noodles in the bag, open it, sprinkle the packet in, then shake the bag and "drink" it.

It's delicious, I promise

Dance Puppets Dance

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Sit in a parking lot, play some music, and watch the pedestrians synchronize to it. It's amazingly hilarious! I could seriously do it for hours if given the chance.

Spicy Ice Cream

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Vanilla ice cream with jalapeños.

Jalapeños are my dads favorite topping for everything, but he always said he drew the line at ice cream. As my taste buds changed I grew his love of those little green flavor bombs and, wanting to test his theory, I chopped up a fresh one and put it in some ice cream. The dairy pretty much cancels out the spice and the remaining flavors go surprisingly well together. Might not be for you if you just really don't like hot peppers, but it's become somewhat of ironic comfort food for pops and me.

H/T: Reddit

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