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Former Christians Explain What Made Them Leave The Church
Photo by Josh Eckstein on Unsplash

Why do people leave the Church?

So many reasons.

It's an important question the Church should look into further.

Attendance has been steadily declining for decades.

Society has evolved on so many issues and behaviors that the Church just seems to stay stagnant.

People aren't going to stay where they don't feel welcome.

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People Describe The Silliest Thing They've Ever Seen A Religious Person Call 'Demonic'
Photo by Lukas Meier on Unsplash

Religion is a funny thing. I get having faith, and Lord knows I need all the help and prayer y'all want to muster for me, but some people really just go overboard with what they believe God is going to be peeved at.

There are just some things people take issue with that make them sound like they should be medicated in order to be amongst the sane people.

I promise you cartoons are not evil. Let's discuss...

Redditoru/Yaoi_MakesMewants to discuss religion and some of its guffaws, by asking:

What is the stupidest thing you've ever seen a religious person call "satanic/demonic"?
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Former Christians Explain Why They Really Left The Church
Thomas Vitali/Unsplash

Christianity is a powerful religion. It has infiltrated many regions, cultures, and even politics.

However, as powerful as it is, people in the U.S. are leaving the religion in droves. Pew Research Center says the percentage of Americans who are Christian is down 12% from the last decade.

Interestingly, Pew Research Center reports:

"Meanwhile, the religiously unaffiliated share of the population, consisting of people who describe their religious identity as atheist, agnostic or 'nothing in particular,' now stands at 26%, up from 17% in 2009."

But, why are they leaving? Well, Ask Reddit wanted to know people's first hand accounts that gives us some insight into why they left the church.

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People Who've Left An Organized Religion Share Their 'F*ck This Sh*t' Moment
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Many children grew up going to church and never questioned why Sunday mornings were reserved for the Lord.

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Male Pastors Read Sexist Comments People Made About Their Female Colleagues—And Their Reactions Are All Of Us
NCCUMC / Vimeo

Sexism in the workplace is nothing new.

It's been going on for ages.

There are some situations, though, that you sort of expect that people would just ... be better about.

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