People Confess What Their 10-Year-Old Self Would Never Believe About Themselves As Adults

People Confess What Their 10-Year-Old Self Would Never Believe About Themselves As Adults
Omid Armin on Unsplash

Some of us might have done an activity in school where we were asked to write a letter to our future self. This was done to give us a plan, a road map you might say, that has us consider our future and what we hope our lives were like.

However, now that many of us are "grown-up," we can see that things we hoped and wished for when we were 10-years-old are not quite what we could have imagined.

Reddit user, yourfavbrownguyy, wanted to know how we've all changed when they asked:

"What would 10-year-old you never believe about adult you?"

As a child, your understanding of money might be a little misguided. Responsibility isn't even a word many of us could spell when we were ten, but it certainly is something we have to know about when we're grown up.

You Can Play Anything, But You Can't Play Anything

"All the video games I have but the lack of time to play them. Alas, we weep"


"I thought I'd outgrow them. Instead I just have less time for them."


"Man, 10 year old me would be absolutely mindblown at the idea of just pushing a couple buttons and having basically any video game or movie or TV show you want show up on your TV (which is friggin HUGE compared to the console box TV of the 80s). Same problem though - so many movies, so little time. Sigh."


What Are You Spending Your Money On?

"I don't eat candy all day."


"10 year old you: "then what's the point in having a job?""


This Is What I'm Spending My Money On

"that 35 year old me bought the ninja turtles arcade cabinet of my 10 year-old self's dreams."


Jobs have a way of making you understand the value of a dollar. While some of us are able to work our "dream jobs," not all of us hit those heights, and that's a lesson we're still learning.

Having $100 Doesn't Make You A Millionaire

"That $100 is not that much money."


"Holy sh-t I feel this. When you’re 10 a $20 bill feels like an endless pile of money. Then you’re an adult, and buying food is $100"


Numbers Are The Most Fun

"Math is actually kind of fun. And we work with numbers all day."


"10 year old me "math is stupid and I can't wait to never have to do it again". Current me, an accountant, and I like it."


There Aren't Explosions Everywhere

"I didn't end up being a ninja-spy-gangsta lady who can throw knives and rides motorcycles. Honestly, the fact that I don't do cool martial arts stuff nowadays would probably break 10yo me's heart. I don't even have a sidekick or some dangerous pet. Generally, the lack of life threatening Action and how little I enjoyed any dangerous action I ever saw would horrify 10yo me."

"I desperately wanted to be a hot antihero from a kids movie and in adult life there are shockingly few superweapons to steal, villains to counter monologue and a total lack of escaping my enemies through third floor windows in black latex suits. I don't even ever punch people in the face and the few times I had to in my life, no cool one liners were dispersed."


And then there's these, realizations that we've truly aged, there's no way to go back to who we were, but that's the way life is.

Not Everyone Sticks Around

"I don't talk to anybody I knew when I was 10. It's like they don't even exist anymore."


"My best friends at 10 were a set of twins, Matthew and Wesley (we’re 27 now). I was close with them till the end of high school when they started getting into drugs. I haven’t talked to them in years (they don’t even respond to birthday texts). But I talk to their dad every now-and-then for updates."


The Whole Country Has Changed, Really

"I would be scandalized if 10 yo me found out I've gotten high."


"All those hours in D.A.R.E. gone to waste. Such a shame."


"Ten year old me would be SO SHOCKED to learn that I regularly drive my mom to the dispensary so she can buy weed."


I'm Going To Be A Grandpa?

"Considering how old I thought my parents were when they were 30 is the fact that I’m a grandparent now and mostly retired would blow my ten year old mind. Ah, perspective."


We Are Going To Keep Aging And Aging

"That I lived to be 58 years old. I thought 30 was old."


"nah when I was 10 I thought 14+ year olds were basically adults. Becoming older than that was practically inconceivable."


"When I was a kid, for some reason I always subconsciously assumed that becoming an adult turned you into a completely different person with different interests that you wouldn't be able to relate to. I'd be really into a game I liked or a particular thing I was interested in and I'd sometimes wish "man, I really hope I still like this when I'm 25, that'd be so cool"."

"Of course I still like it. I'm the same person, just older! Getting older is a slow and gradual process, it's not like you just wake up one day and forget everything you liked when you were younger. Chances are if you found something you liked, you liked it for a reason and you can at least relate to that thought process and look back on it with nostalgia as an adult. Yes I liked Zelda games as a kid, and yes I'm sure as hell buying every new main console entry in the once-per-5-year event when a new one comes out. 10-year-old me would be surprised to hear that, even though it makes complete sense."


It's All Okay

"That I'm good. I'm happy. I have the family I always dreamed of having, an occasionally exciting job that gets me occasionally labeled a "hero" (such moments in reality are few and far between, but that's okay), and that I have the opportunity to pursue the things that make me happy."

"I always worried I'd grow up to be poor, jobless, or stuck working some job I couldnt stand. But somehow things have worked out."

"I'm not rich, and my life is far from perfect, but I'm happy."

"...I'm happy."


Growing up is okay. Maybe that's the thing we should be explaining to our younger selves. It's not always going to be how we like, but if we change our thinking, it'll be how we can handle it.

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