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One of the surest ways to not overeat is to only eat when hungry.

We're all guilty of falling prey to a snack attack.

They call to us.

But are we actually hungry or just in need of an activity?

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People Outside The United States Explain What They Stock In Their 'American' Food Aisle

Grocery stores in the US often have an interesting mix of foods from other countries, but those foods are definitely a limited selection of what is available in the original country.

They offer a tiny peek into the cuisine of a particular country.

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People Explain Which Childhood Meals They Can No Longer Stomach As An Adult
Shohei Ohara / Pexels

Kids have some of the most "interesting" eating habits in the world. It's pretty common for them to binge-eat a few products that many of us would never even touch as adults.

I'm looking at you, dinosaur shaped frozen chicken nuggets.

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Parents And Former Kids Reveal Things Kids Think They've Gotten Away With But Failed Miserably

Kids do the funniest things, especially when they're young. Young ones are still trying to figure out exactly how the world works, and this can lead to some hilarious situations.

"If I can't see you, you can't see me" is a great example of this.

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