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People Reveal The Biggest Red Flags They Ever Ignored

Reddit user opticfawn asked: 'What's the biggest red flag you ignored?'

two people enjoying coffee
Photo by Chewy on Unsplash

As Jane Austen so famously taught us in her immortal classic Pride and Prejudice, first impressions can be deceiving.

For while the dashing Fitzwilliam Darcy first appeared arrogant, rude, and snobbish to Elizabeth Bennett, she would soon learn that he was, in fact, the true love of her life.

However, even if we shouldn't jump to conclusions based solely on a first impression, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be cautious about certain things we notice.

A "red flag," as it were.

There are many people who deeply regret entering into what proved to be an ill-advised romantic relationship, or hiring an employee who proved anything but up to the task, feeling that they missed the obvious sign back when they first met them that this was an association bound to end in disaster.

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Man putting a sandwich in a to go box
Photo by Conor Brown on Unsplash

It is estimated that nearly 37.9 million people in the United States currently live in poverty.

A shameful statistic, to say the least.

Challenging as it is, however, growing up poor is nothing to necessarily be ashamed of, as many influential people in this world came from humble beginnings.

Even so, many people who grew up poor and found success and financial stability in adulthood still try to hide their childhood from others. But those in the know, or who had the same experience, tend to notice the subtle, tell-tale signs of those whose childhood was anything but luxurious.

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muscular woman
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Some people just can't take a joke.

While we often find ourselves making sarcastic remarks amongst our inner circles, which are usually taken in stride, the same type of humor doesn't always go over quite as well with everyone.

Some might not see the humor in it and are easily hurt or offended.

In some cases, they might even get downright angry, making you realize all too late that this is the type of person you should never f**k with under any circumstance.

In these cases, people might have learned too late, but thankfully there are often some pretty telltale signs of when you are in the presence of someone you should never f**k with under any circumstances.

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People Reveal Major Red Flags That Someone's Being Cheated On
Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

When a partner is sneaking around, most of us know it.

We just tend to ignore the signs.

Love will that do to someone.

Facing that kind of pain is never fun to deal with.

There are always red flags and hints when infidelity is afoot.

Cheaters aren't as clever as they think they are, the person being duped is just too willing to give more chances.

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Man rubbing his forehead
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

As Forrest Gump famously quipped "stupid is as stupid does".

Forrest was right, as far too many people judged him by purely looking at him, which should not have been indicative of his, or anyone's, overall intelligence.

Even so, we've likely all been guilty of judging someone's intelligence based on a first impression.

Likely owing to something outrageous they said or did.

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