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Things People Had To Give Up Because Of Inflation

"Reddit user iaskureply asked: 'What have you given up because of inflation?'"

Times are tough.

Money is tight.

Inflation has hit the pockets hard.

When funds are scarce, sacrifices must get made.

Lucky people get to skimp on luxuries.

While some people have to ration medicine.

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People Share The Most Hurtful Thing Someone Has Ever Said To Them
arash payam on Unsplash

Why would you even say that?

I think that is a question people really need to think about.

People seem to have lost control of their internal filter.

Even with good intentions, you can still inflict pain.

And just so everyone is aware, there is a difference between being truthful and flat out rude.

Words leave an impact.

It sounds dramatic, but it's true.

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The truth can be the most painful thing to hear.

People are going say awful things to you that view as truth.

And the worst will probably be from people you know and love.

You have to learn that most of it has nothing to do with us.

It's all about them.

And that still hurts.

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People Describe The Most Physically Painful Thing They've Ever Experienced
Towfiqu barbhuiya/Unsplash

Picture this: you pour yourself a hot cup of coffee or tea. Eager to take that first sip, you don't wait until the liquid is cool enough. Ouch! Your tongue pulls back, your arm jerks, and now you've spilled your beverage.

When we experience pain, that's our body's way of keeping us safe. The nerves send a signal to your spinal cord and up to your brain to let you know, "Hey, this hurts!" That's acute pain.

There's also chronic pain, which is long-term pain that usually has something to do with a miscommunication between the nerves and the brain. There's a signal that something is wrong when really nothing is wrong.

Some people have experienced excruciating pain from accidents, surgeries, and illness. We wanted to know what was the most intense pain that people have ever felt.

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People Explain Which Things Are Far More Painful Than You'd Expect
Camila Quintero Franco/Unsplash

This article is an ode to the "OMG/WTF" injuries that hurt so much worse than we were ready for. I'm talking stepping on a lego, stubbing your toe, breaking a nail across the nailbed, papercuts in the webbing between your fingers ... we're about to get gnarly.

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