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24 Of The Biggest Plot Holes In Harry Potter That Most People Didn't Notice.

As much as we want to say that our Queen J.K. Rowling can do no wrong, even the best of writers can leave behind mistakes and inconsistencies. Over the years since the Harry Potter movies and books came out, fans have taken to obsessing over the smallest of details about the Wizarding world, which has led to some.... confusion. 

Harry Potter fans on Reddit were asked: "What are the biggest plot holes and errors in the series?" These are some of the best answers.

One thing that always bothered me was that Tom Riddle basically stumbled upon the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, when the entrance was in the girls bathroom. Assuming that girls use to use this bathroom before Myrtle died, how did he get away with constantly going in there? Like okay maybe he only went late at night, but no one ever noticed anything weird going on in that bathroom? Just seems odd to me and seemed like something Rowling overlooked...


I don't quite understand the Trace with regards to underage Wizards performing magic

Well, as the trace is present upon an underage Wizard before he comes of age, hence the Ministry being able to detect underage magic immediately whenever the underage Wizard does it, I still don't quite understand the following situations.

(Is it traceable by location or by person?)

When Dobby did the Hover Charm (Year 2), the Ministry couldn't differentiate whether it was indeed Dobby or Harry Potter who performed it. Suggesting the Ministry detect some kind of magic at a particular address they have on record as being resident to an underage wizard?

However, when Arthur Weasley visited Harry Potter at Privet Drive (Year 4), he did a lot of magic, including magically dodging the teacups Mr. Dursley was throwing as him, and as well as performing an anti-Engorgment charm to return Dudley's tongue to a normal size. So how come did the Ministry differentiate who actually performed magic?

Moreover, at The Burrow, what happens if an underage Harry or Ron performs magic? Can't simply the elders say they performed magic instead?

Manik Sethisuwan

Aside from fines, where does the money come from to support the substantial infrastructure of Britain's magical society like MOM, Hogwarts and the hospital? Especially a society which only produces 40-60 citizens per year (# of magical kids per year at Hogwarts less # of kids from non-magical families).


There is no excuse for them to be out-of-touch with the Muggle world.

Between the Minister of Magic working alongside the British Prime Minister, the Departments in the Ministry of Magic specifically designed to handle Muggle affairs, a freaking Muggle Studies class at Hogwarts, and so many Muggleborns/Half-Bloods integrated into wizard society, why do wizards act surprised or bewildered by things non-magic people do? More importantly, why dont they embrace some aspects of Muggle life (excluding the minority of racist purebloods).

Take Hogwarts school supplies for instance. Why would anyone want to use a heavy roll of parchment instead of just carrying around a couple notebooks? Or constantly dip their quill in ink every five minutes instead of using pens (or better yet pencils since you can erase them). Maybe give these kids a driving lesson or two so we dont have dumbos like second-year Harry and Ron flying enchanted vehicles without a license.

And why exactly is technology banned at Hogwarts? And how have students (Ravenclaws especially) not figured out how to override the magical restrictions? Last I checked these preventive spells were cast back when the most advanced thing was the radio, so theres no telling how it can disable microprocessors and satellite signals.

Dylan MacIntyre

So in the Philosopher's Stone in order to steal the stone Quirrell must get Dumbledore out of the way. In order to do this he fakes an urgent owl from the Ministry. This is without any doubt the worst plan anyone has ever had and it is only made more ridiculous by the fact that it works. Quirrell sends the letter in the afternoon, when Harry tries to warn Dumbledore he has already left. However, Quirrell doesn't seem to go after the stone until evening. It is certainly after everyone has gone to bed when Harry, Ron and Hermione depart. How did Quirrell know Dumbledore would decide to fly to the Ministry instead of Apparating, using floo powder, or getting Fawkes to teleport him? All of which would have been much quicker and easier than flying. Ok, he would have had to go out of the Hogwarts ground to Apparate but that's still going to be a lot easier than flying to London (I know in the films he can apparate from inside Hogwarts but I don't know if there is a good book example of this). Not to mention it was an urgent owl, how many people think 'Oh an emergency, I must find the slowest method of magical transportation'. Dumbledore could have Apparated/floo powdered his way to the Ministry found out he wasn't actually needed and been back all inside about half an hour. Before Quirrell even got past Fluffy, making it unnecessary for three 11 year olds to brave death by poisoning, Voldemort and being clubbed by a giant chess piece. Does Dumbledore want Harry to go after Quirrell? Because, reminder, he almost dies.

It's made clear in the last book that Dumbledore knows Quirrell is after the Stone. He introduces Harry to the mirror of Erised, he makes it so there's a path to the stone. Including Devil's Snare which is conveniently mentioned in first year Herbology. Harry is with Hagrid when he picks up the 'top secret' package. What's that supposed to do except make Harry curious? And then of course he is conveniently out of the way at the critical moment. As is Snape. So Dumbledore wants Harry to confront Voldemort? Does he think Harry can finish Voldemort? Maybe. He hasn't come across Riddle's Diary yet so he may not have realised Voldemort has Horcruxes. Still Voldemort failed to die the last time so I don't know if I buy it. Best guess he's using his mirror trick to test Harry's intentions. To check Harry's not too attached to life to die when necessary. To get the stone you have to want it but not to use it. You have to value the greater good. Are there better ways to do this than to nearly kill an 11 year old and his friends. Yes. Also Harry pretty much burns Quirrell's face off and kills in a move that causes surprisingly few emotional scars.


The biggest one I've found, is after the trio escape from the wedding, and are attacked by two death eaters at the cafe in Tottenham Court Road:

Ron says "You're the boss. I've never done a memory charm before."
Hermione says "Nor have I. But I know the theory."

This is false, as she has already put a memory charm on her parents before. 

Yedu Krishnan

There is a lot of unclarity regarding the day after Voldemort kills Lily and James. Voldemort shows up on the evening of the 31st. Kills Lily and James and dies himself. Harry is picked up by Hagrid reasonably swiftly and then not delivered until the next evening on Petunia and Vernon's doorstep.

Why does this take 24 hours? Why is Dumbledore choosing such a slow method of transportation when it isn't even 100% clear yet what has happened to Voldemort and his followers? It looks like Hagrid just shows up and they leave the kid on the doorstep and that Harry was never out of Hagrid's care. Was there no effort taken to examine Harry? To figure out what had happened and if he was in any way hurt? I understand that it is important to leave Harry with his aunt so he is protected but surely you are going to want to take a look at a kid that just survived one of the most dangerous spells in existence if only to make sure there is no lingering health effects that might reveal themselves while he is living with the muggles.


Harry had a broomstick lesson in his first week, and accidentally auditioned for the Quidditch Team.

At no point in the next seven years did he have another.

I know he hardly needed one, but not once in the remaining books do they mention another broomstick class for anyone.


In The Goblet of Fire, Harry went to the prefects' bathroom on Cedric's advice to solve the clue of the golden egg. While returning, he accidentally gets stuck in the trick step. Quoting from the book -

The golden egg fell through the tapestry at the bottom of thestaircase, burst open, and began wailing loudly in the corridor below.Harry pulled out his wand and struggled to touch the Marauders Map, to wipe it blank, but it was too far away to reach.

The map slips out of Harry's hands to the foot of the stairs, and Harry tries to reach it with his wand from under the invisibility cloak. Now, think about this, at this point, Harry had already completed the first task summoning his broomstick from inside the castle. Why the hell wouldn't he do an "Accio" and summon the map, instead of trying to reach it through his wand? He already knows the charm, and it is still too fresh in his memory for him to overlook it.

This qualifies as a very big plot hole as it resulted in Barty Crouch Jr. getting hold of the map, which he later uses to spot and kill his father, Barty Crouch Sr. If he didn't have the map, Barty Crouch Sr. would have met Dumbledore and told him all about his death eater son as the fake Mad-Eye. Harry wouldn't have been transported to the graveyard, and Voldemort wouldn't have regained power. Maybe Crouch could even disclose Voldemort and Wormtail's location, and they could have been caught.

Sigh! If only Harry had used the summoning charm...

Shradha Sinha

This ones been floating round for a while. Why don't Fred and George ever notice Peter Pettigrew? Why doesn't Harry for that matter.

But the twins more so because they have had two and a half years to notice that there's an extra person sleeping with their brother. So what the hell?

Well I think there are a few things going on here. Firstly it might not be that clear on a map exactly how close people are. There's only a certain amount of room for names so things will probably get nudged out of place a bit. Therefore it might not be clear Ron and Peter are IN the same bed. Just the same room. And how interested would Fred and George really be in Ron's dorm mates. It's not like 'Peter Pettigrew' would necessarily ring any bells for them. Though Gryffindor House is fairly small so they might think it was a little odd, for more on that do see my post on Numbers. The other things is that Fred and George are using the map to get around the castle and avoid trouble (ie. teachers, Filch, Mrs Norris) they probably just aren't that interested in Ron's sleeping arrangements. Why would they be looking at Gryffindor Tower at all? After there first year (before Ron even starts) they are probably only using the map to check for trouble. They've probably pretty much learnt the secret passages. So it's open map, no Snape, do what you need to do, get out.

Lupin only notices because he is watching Harry, Ron and Hermione in case they sneak out. There are over a thousand people on the map. You aren't going to be looking at all of them.


The sheer amount of stupidly powerful spells, potions and magical items in the HP universe, that never get used to their full potential. Ranging from Felix Felicis (that allows you to literally achieve anything you want) over port keys (allowing you to kidnap people by having them accidentally touch an everyday item) and the Imperius curse (allowing you to have anybody else do anything you want from him) to the Vanishin Spell (vanishing animate or inanimate objects) or Baruffio's Brain Elixir (a potion increasing one's brain power). Some of these things are supposed to be rare, while others are used every day. Either way it begs the question, why they are not used more often in the wizarding world, especially when it comes to crucial plot points.


When Hagrid and Harry depart from the island on Harry's birthday they have this little exchange: "How did you get here?" Harry asked, looking around for another boat. "Flew," said Hagrid.

But how did he fly? It's not like he can do Voldemort's bat trick, he states in the Order of the Phoenix "I don' fly, meself. Well, look at the size o' me, I don' reckon there's a broomstick that'd hold me." He does say that he can ride Abraxian horses but Hogwarts doesn't have any and Thestrals would probably be too small. 

I'm sure you've thought of the obvious solution here. Hagrid flew in on his motorcycle (the one Sirius gave him). When Hagrid flies that's generally how he does it. Harry doesn't hear anything to suggest the motorcycle was flying in but possibly the storm drowned it out. I agree this is almost certainly how Hagrid arrived, but what happened to the bike? Did it fly back on its own? Is it weirdly sentient like the Ford Anglia? Did someone summon it back? It's certainly not on the island when they leave.

Also they leave the Dursley's stranded on the remote island because they take the only boat.


"The troll is in the dungeons"

"All students please return to your house dormitiories"



Say you are a wizard. You probably know at least 100 spells. While some require precise wand movements and concentration, we never get an indication in the books that spells consume anything or quickly drain you of energy.

Ergo, there is no limit to casting them.

Advanced wizards can even cast spells without reciting them and there are countless examples throughout the books of how certain spells can be cast almost instantly.

So, in any magic fight, why would you hold back?

Instead of, say, sending an Expelliarmus at Dolohov, why not do the following in roughly 30 seconds? (aimed at different opponents)

Protego - Expelliarmus - Expelliarmus - Expelliarmus - Confringo - Confringo - Stupefy - Stupefy - Incendio - Incendio - Protego

While it is established in The Goblet of Fire that the Unforgiveable Curses require concentration and power (Mad-Eye Moody says: "you could all get your wands out now and point them at me and say the words, and I doubt I'd get so much as a nose bleed..."), this is not the case for most other spells.

Harry is exhausted after practicing Accio dozens/hundreds of times for his first trial in Goblet of Fire but thats to be expected. There seems to be no other proof in the books of casting having these kind of limits.

Of course, wizards like Dumbledore could still keep a powerful shield charm up and block the entire barrage, but in a room full of people it would make more sense to cast as many spells as quickly as possible so youre bound to hit someone.

Its actually rather similar to combat in real-life. On a battlefield, you dont lock yourself in a duel with one guy and send one bullet his way. No, you try to suppress the enemy or overwhelm them with superior force.

Now, dont get me wrong, I do believe that the magic fights and duels we see in the books and movies are superior to these chaotic barrages (although I would have liked to see a slightly higher frequency of casting spells). However, what Rowling should have done is establish her magic system early on and impose some more limits to it. Thats the big error here.

Bas Leijser

Ron being able to imitate Parseltongue. throughout the series a big deal is made of Harry being able to speak snake. Only the evilest of evil wizards are supposed to be able to speak the tongue and it is considered very dark magic in the wizard world. Later we find out that Harry automatically got the ability as he had part of Voldemort's soul inside him

And then in the last book, Ron somehow imitates the words Harry spoke to get the chamber of secrets to open. Just like that. No evil wizardly black magic stuff. Just imitating the sounds just like with any other language. Which makes me think, what was the big deal made out of Parseltongue again? If a teenager can mimic and learn the language by memorizing the sound (which is how every language is learnt orally) why cannot all the thousands of wizards who are Voldemort supporters and from Slytherin not learn and take pride in this language. Heck, all Slytherin households should have compulsory Parseltongue home schooling. It will also be a great secret language among themselves which the good guys cannot crack. No more need for the identifying tattoos (I know they also work as summoning aides for Voldy), speak in code right in the heart of the ministry and everyone would just think you are hissing at each other

So yeah, Rowling dropped the ball there.


House points in Harry Potter really don't make much sense. In the first 3 books (they're hardly mentioned after that) people are pissed off at Harry, Ron and Hermione for losing them 100's of house points. In real life, hardly any of the students would care about some arbitrary points system set up by teachers but would think Harry, Ron and Hermione are heroes for smuggling dragons or sneaking out at night. Why would a brat like Malfroy care if he got house points??


To me, it's that everyone always approaches situations where they meet someone else in good faith, assuming that person is who they say they are. Transfiguration and Polyjuice Potion are used repeatedly throughout the series to create convincing disguises, and yet people still don't reach the obvious conclusions when their best friends or significant others are acting strange.

It's always just "Hey what's gotten into you today?" not "Uh, are you really who you say you are or are you using one of the many widely known ways of taking on the appearance of another person?"

I realize that things like Polyjuice and Transfiguration are fairly complex potions/spells, but it seems like most of the wizards we meet are at least aware of them, and they're used so frequently throughout the series that people should at least approach situations with more skepticism than we see.


The killing curse kills you in a flash of green light and you crumple on the spot. You are definitely not thrown like a rag doll from the Astronomy tower. Unless you are Dumbledore. 

Arunabh Saxena

Snakes. Dont. Have. Ears. Honestly, snakes have very poor hearing. Yes, they can hear sounds but not the sounds an eleven year old boy can make with his voice. Snakes are limited to a 80Hz to 600Hz range. Thats like the sounds you hear coming from one of those cars with over large speakers and when you have your windows rolled up.

This pretty much makes silly of the whole Parlseltongue business. Hissing is something snakes do but snakes cant hear the hissing of other snakes. Snakes might be charmed by low notes on a cello but certainly not an oboe!

Richard Omer

A Secret Keeper is basically somebody who becomes the living embodiment of a secret. One of the biggest involvements of Secret Keepers in the story is in the murder of James and Lily Potter. Voldemort was unable to find the two of them because they had cast the Fidelus Charm and their location was protected. They chose to make Peter Pettigrew their Secret Keeper and were later betrayed by Pettigrew who ratted (lol) them out to Voldemort leading to James and Lily being killed.

Several questions here.

Why could James and Lily not have made one of themselves the Secret Keepers? Later on in the books we find that Bill (Weasley) was made a Secret Keeper for Shell Cottage and Arthur was made a Secret Keeper for Aunt Muriels place. So, why couldnt James or Lily have been their own Secret Keepers?

Also, if for some reason they could not be their own Secret Keepers, why did they choose Peter with such crucial information? Why not Sirius or Remus? I would say that James was definitely closer to Sirius than he was to Peter, right? The explanation given was that everybody would suspect Sirius to be their Secret Keeper and target him and torture the information out of him. However, in Pottermores Book 3, Rowling wrote that, the secret cannot be forced, bewitched or tortured out of a Secret Keeper who does not wish to give up their secret; it must be given voluntarily.

If this is correct, why would they pick Peter and not Sirius or Remus who, I imagine, they trusted more than Peter even if he was a close friend. It would have been the safest with Sirius. Or if not with someone in their friend group, why not a powerful and trusted witch like Minerva or someone like that?

Another issue I have with is this, if Dumbledore had narrowed down the two boys in the prophecy to Harry and Neville, why didnt he just have both their parents hidden away and make himself their Secret Keeper? I assume that would have kicked Voldemorts plans right in the bucket, no? NO?!

James and Lilys deaths are really what kicks this entire story off. Its a little odd to have this weird dichotomy present in the events surrounding their deaths.

Sagnik Guha

I think this might be too tiny a detail to be noticed, but then I read the books a little too enthusiastically.

In 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets', chapter 9 (page 176), Percy Weasley discovers Harry, Ron and Hermione near Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom. He tries to tell them off for sneaking in the middle of the night and how this is affecting Ginny. Ron retorts by saying that Percy was afraid this might ruin his (Percy's) chances of being the Head Boy.

Percy takes away five points from Gryffindor.

In 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix', chapter 28 (page 798),  the group of Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ernie Macmillan (Hufflepuff) (and possibly others, they were on their way back from Herbology) were 'discussing' Umbridge and the removal of Dumbledore. Draco Malfoy prevents Hermione from completing a sentence that foul-mouths Umbridge. Draco threatens to take away point from Gryffindor.

Ernie: "Its only teachers that can dock points from Houses, Malfoy"

(The power to dock points was given to the members of the Inquisitorial Squad, Malfoy did not do it as a Prefect).

So, here's a small glitch in the story-line that otherwise is quite flawless!

Priyansh Saxena

In Order of Phoenix, Hermione pretty much blackmails Rita Skeeter into publishing Harry's account of Voldemort's return in the Quibbler so that the world knows his story. It's a great little part that gets the news out and pisses off Umbridge, but it doesn't really add a lot except Harry gets banned from stuff and sorta gets him in a fight with Cho Chang (he leaves their date for the interview).

What bugged me was why didn't they continue to use that?! Why didn't they have Rita writing articles on Umbridge? Imagine the Quibbler publishing stories of how a student lost points for "being a mudblood" (Inquisitorial Squad Draco to Hermione) or that punishing a student meant carving "I must not tell lies" into his hand. You could argue that Harry's ban meant he couldn't meet her for interviews, but Rita could turn into a beetle. Hermione could have easily put her in her bag and took her into school. She could exclusive interviews with Dumbledore's Army.

The only flaw in the plan would be Draco and his gang being aware of her beetle form, which is a big flaw admittedly. But it's more the fact that Harry doesn't use Rita more that bugs me so much.


I always wanted to know why Hermione didn't just use the Time Turner to also take more naps so she wasn't so strung out.


The only one that really bugged me is the issue of child magic.

Harry, Voldemort, Snape, and Lily (possibly others?) are all performing magic feats without their wands, and non-verbally at that. Then they go to school, and suddenly they turn all crippled without their wands.

Clearly non-verbal magic is known, understood, and even taught to students. Yet even the most powerful wizards use verbal magic most of the time.

The non-wand magic seems to something of a mystery though. Id expect someone like Dumbledore to be deeply fascinated by this and to have spent years researching it.

David Weinehall

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Some of this material has been edited for clarity.

People Reveal The Weirdest Thing About Themselves

Reddit user Isitjustmedownhere asked: 'Give an example; how weird are you really?'

Let's get one thing straight: no one is normal. We're all weird in our own ways, and that is actually normal.

Of course, that doesn't mean we don't all have that one strange trait or quirk that outweighs all the other weirdness we possess.

For me, it's the fact that I'm almost 30 years old, and I still have an imaginary friend. Her name is Sarah, she has red hair and green eyes, and I strongly believe that, since I lived in India when I created her and there were no actual people with red hair around, she was based on Daphne Blake from Scooby-Doo.

I also didn't know the name Sarah when I created her, so that came later. I know she's not really there, hence the term 'imaginary friend,' but she's kind of always been around. We all have conversations in our heads; mine are with Sarah. She keeps me on task and efficient.

My mom thinks I'm crazy that I still have an imaginary friend, and writing about her like this makes me think I may actually be crazy, but I don't mind. As I said, we're all weird, and we all have that one trait that outweighs all the other weirdness.

Redditors know this all too well and are eager to share their weird traits.

It all started when Redditor Isitjustmedownhere asked:

"Give an example; how weird are you really?"

Monsters Under My Bed

"My bed doesn't touch any wall."

"Edit: I guess i should clarify im not rich."

– Practical_Eye_3600

"Gosh the monsters can get you from any angle then."

– bikergirlr7

"At first I thought this was a flex on how big your bedroom is, but then I realized you're just a psycho 😁"

– zenOFiniquity8

Can You See Why?

"I bought one of those super-powerful fans to dry a basement carpet. Afterwards, I realized that it can point straight up and that it would be amazing to use on myself post-shower. Now I squeegee my body with my hands, step out of the shower and get blasted by a wide jet of room-temp air. I barely use my towel at all. Wife thinks I'm weird."

– KingBooRadley


"In 1990 when I was 8 years old and bored on a field trip, I saw a black Oldsmobile Cutlass driving down the street on a hot day to where you could see that mirage like distortion from the heat on the road. I took a “snapshot” by blinking my eyes and told myself “I wonder how long I can remember this image” ….well."

– AquamarineCheetah

"Even before smartphones, I always take "snapshots" by blinking my eyes hoping I'll remember every detail so I can draw it when I get home. Unfortunately, I may have taken so much snapshots that I can no longer remember every detail I want to draw."

"Makes me think my "memory is full.""

– Reasonable-Pirate902

Same, Same

"I have eaten the same lunch every day for the past 4 years and I'm not bored yet."

– OhhGoood

"How f**king big was this lunch when you started?"

– notmyrealnam3

Not Sure Who Was Weirder

"Had a line cook that worked for us for 6 months never said much. My sous chef once told him with no context, "Baw wit da baw daw bang daw bang diggy diggy." The guy smiled, left, and never came back."

– Frostygrunt


"I pace around my house for hours listening to music imagining that I have done all the things I simply lack the brain capacity to do, or in some really bizarre scenarios, I can really get immersed in these imaginations sometimes I don't know if this is some form of schizophrenia or what."

– RandomSharinganUser

"I do the same exact thing, sometimes for hours. When I was young it would be a ridiculous amount of time and many years later it’s sort of trickled off into almost nothing (almost). It’s weird but I just thought it’s how my brain processes sh*t."

– Kolkeia

If Only

"Even as an adult I still think that if you are in a car that goes over a cliff; and right as you are about to hit the ground if you jump up you can avoid the damage and will land safely. I know I'm wrong. You shut up. I'm not crying."

– ShotCompetition2593

Pet Food

"As a kid I would snack on my dog's Milkbones."

– drummerskillit

"Haha, I have a clear memory of myself doing this as well. I was around 3 y/o. Needless to say no one was supervising me."

– Isitjustmedownhere

"When I was younger, one of my responsibilities was to feed the pet fish every day. Instead, I would hide under the futon in the spare bedroom and eat the fish food."

– -GateKeep-

My Favorite Subject

"I'm autistic and have always had a thing for insects. My neurotypical best friend and I used to hang out at this local bar to talk to girls, back in the late 90s. One time he claimed that my tendency to circle conversations back to insects was hurting my game. The next time we went to that bar (with a few other friends), he turned and said sternly "No talking about bugs. Or space, or statistics or other bullsh*t but mainly no bugs." I felt like he was losing his mind over nothing."

"It was summer, the bar had its windows open. Our group hit it off with a group of young ladies, We were all chatting and having a good time. I was talking to one of these girls, my buddy was behind her facing away from me talking to a few other people."

"A cloudless sulphur flies in and lands on little thing that holds coasters."

"Cue Jordan Peele sweating gif."

"The girl notices my tension, and asks if I am looking at the leaf. "Actually, that's a lepidoptera called..." I looked at the back of my friend's head, he wasn't looking, "I mean a butterfly..." I poked it and it spread its wings the girl says "oh that's a BUG?!" and I still remember my friend turning around slowly to look at me with chastisement. The ONE thing he told me not to do."

"I was 21, and was completely not aware that I already had a rep for being an oddball. It got worse from there."

– Phormicidae

*Teeth Chatter*

"I bite ice cream sometimes."


"That's how I am with popsicles. My wife shudders every single time."


Never Speak Of This

"I put ice in my milk."


"You should keep that kind of thing to yourself. Even when asked."

– We-R-Doomed

"There's some disturbing sh*t in this thread, but this one takes the cake."

– RatonaMuffin

More Than Super Hearing

"I can hear the television while it's on mute."

– Tira13e

"What does it say to you, child?"

– Mama_Skip


"I put mustard on my omelettes."

– Deleted User


– NotCrustOr-filling

Evened Up

"Whenever I say a word and feel like I used a half of my mouth more than the other half, I have to even it out by saying the word again using the other half of my mouth more. If I don't do it correctly, that can go on forever until I feel it's ok."

"I do it silently so I don't creep people out."

– LesPaltaX

"That sounds like a symptom of OCD (I have it myself). Some people with OCD feel like certain actions have to be balanced (like counting or making sure physical movements are even). You should find a therapist who specializes in OCD, because they can help you."

– MoonlightKayla

I totally have the same need for things to be balanced! Guess I'm weird and a little OCD!

Close up face of a woman in bed, staring into the camera
Photo by Jen Theodore

Experiencing death is a fascinating and frightening idea.

Who doesn't want to know what is waiting for us on the other side?

But so many of us want to know and then come back and live a little longer.

It would be so great to be sure there is something else.

But the whole dying part is not that great, so we'll have to rely on other people's accounts.

Redditor AlaskaStiletto wanted to hear from everyone who has returned to life, so they asked:

"Redditors who have 'died' and come back to life, what did you see?"


Happy Good Vibes GIF by Major League SoccerGiphy

"My dad's heart stopped when he had a heart attack and he had to be brought back to life. He kept the paper copy of the heart monitor which shows he flatlined. He said he felt an overwhelming sensation of peace, like nothing he had felt before."



"I had surgical complications in 2010 that caused a great deal of blood loss. As a result, I had extremely low blood pressure and could barely stay awake. I remember feeling like I was surrounded by loved ones who had passed. They were in a circle around me and I knew they were there to guide me onwards. I told them I was not ready to go because my kids needed me and I came back."

"My nurse later said she was afraid she’d find me dead every time she came into the room."

"It took months, and blood transfusions, but I recovered."


Take Me Back

"Overwhelming peace and happiness. A bright airy and floating feeling. I live a very stressful life. Imagine finding out the person you have had a crush on reveals they have the same feelings for you and then you win the lotto later that day - that was the feeling I had."

"I never feared death afterward and am relieved when I hear of people dying after suffering from an illness."



The Light Minnie GIF by (G)I-DLEGiphy

"I had a heart surgery with near-death experience, for me at least (well the possibility that those effects are caused by morphine is also there) I just saw black and nothing else but it was warm and I had such inner peace, its weird as I sometimes still think about it and wish this feeling of being so light and free again."


This is why I hate surgery.

You just never know.



"More of a near-death experience. I was electrocuted. I felt like I was in a deep hole looking straight up in the sky. My life flashed before me. Felt sad for my family, but I had a deep sense of peace."



"Nursing in the ICU, we’ve had people try to die on us many times during the years, some successfully. One guy stood out to me. His heart stopped. We called a code, are working on him, and suddenly he comes to. We hadn’t vented him yet, so he was able to talk, and he started screaming, 'Don’t let them take me, don’t let them take me, they are coming,' he was scared and yelling."

"Then he yelled a little more, as we tried to calm him down, he screamed, 'No, No,' and gestured towards the end of the bed, and died again. We didn’t get him back. It was seriously creepy. We called his son to tell him the news, and the son said basically, 'Good, he was an SOB.'”



"My sister died and said it was extremely peaceful. She said it was very loud like a train station and lots of talking and she was stuck in this area that was like a curtain with lots of beautiful colors (colors that you don’t see in real life according to her) a man told her 'He was sorry, but she had to go back as it wasn’t her time.'"


"I had a really similar experience except I was in an endless garden with flowers that were colors I had never seen before. It was quiet and peaceful and a woman in a dress looked at me, shook her head, and just said 'Not yet.' As I was coming back, it was extremely loud, like everyone in the world was trying to talk all at once. It was all very disorienting but it changed my perspective on life!"


The Fog

"I was in a gray fog with a girl who looked a lot like a young version of my grandmother (who was still alive) but dressed like a pioneer in the 1800s she didn't say anything but kept pulling me towards an opening in the wall. I kept refusing to go because I was so tired."

"I finally got tired of her nagging and went and that's when I came to. I had bled out during a c-section and my heart could not beat without blood. They had to deliver the baby and sew up the bleeders. refill me with blood before they could restart my heart so, like, at least 12 minutes gone."


Through the Walls

"My spouse was dead for a couple of minutes one miserable night. She maintains that she saw nothing, but only heard people talking about her like through a wall. The only thing she remembers for absolute certain was begging an ER nurse that she didn't want to die."

"She's quite alive and well today."


Well let's all be happy to be alive.

It seems to be all we have.

Man's waist line
Santhosh Vaithiyanathan/Unsplash

Trying to lose weight is a struggle understood by many people regardless of size.

The goal of reaching a healthy weight may seem unattainable, but with diet and exercise, it can pay off through persistence and discipline.

Seeing the pounds gradually drop off can also be a great motivator and incentivize people to stay the course.

Those who've achieved their respective weight goals shared their experiences when Redditor apprenti8455 asked:

"People who lost a lot of weight, what surprises you the most now?"

Redditors didn't see these coming.

Shiver Me Timbers

"I’m always cold now!"

– Telrom_1

"I had a coworker lose over 130 pounds five or six years ago. I’ve never seen him without a jacket on since."

– r7ndom

"140 lbs lost here starting just before COVID, I feel like that little old lady that's always cold, damn this top comment was on point lmao."

– mr_remy

Drawing Concern

"I lost 100 pounds over a year and a half but since I’m old(70’s) it seems few people comment on it because (I think) they think I’m wasting away from some terminal illness."

– dee-fondy

"Congrats on the weight loss! It’s honestly a real accomplishment 🙂"

"Working in oncology, I can never comment on someone’s weight loss unless I specifically know it was on purpose, regardless of their age. I think it kind of ruffles feathers at times, but like I don’t want to congratulate someone for having cancer or something. It’s a weird place to be in."

– LizardofDeath

Unleashing Insults

"I remember when I lost the first big chunk of weight (around 50 lbs) it was like it gave some people license to talk sh*t about the 'old' me. Old coworkers, friends, made a lot of not just negative, but harsh comments about what I used to look like. One person I met after the big loss saw a picture of me prior and said, 'Wow, we wouldn’t even be friends!'”

"It wasn’t extremely common, but I was a little alarmed by some of the attention. My weight has been up and down since then, but every time I gain a little it gets me a little down thinking about those things people said."

– alanamablamaspama

Not Everything Goes After Losing Weight

"The loose skin is a bit unexpected."

– KeltarCentauri

"I haven’t experienced it myself, but surgery to remove skin takes a long time to recover. Longer than bariatric surgery and usually isn’t covered by insurance unless you have both."

– KatMagic1977

"It definitely does take a long time to recover. My Dad dropped a little over 200 pounds a few years back and decided to go through with skin removal surgery to deal with the excess. His procedure was extensive, as in he had skin taken from just about every part of his body excluding his head, and he went through hell for weeks in recovery, and he was bedridden for a lot of it."

– Jaew96

These Redditors shared their pleasantly surprising experiences.


"I can buy clothes in any store I want."

– WaySavvyD

"When I lost weight I was dying to go find cute, smaller clothes and I really struggled. As someone who had always been restricted to one or two stores that catered to plus-sized clothing, a full mall of shops with items in my size was daunting. Too many options and not enough knowledge of brands that were good vs cheap. I usually went home pretty frustrated."

– ganache98012

No More Symptoms

"Lost about 80 pounds in the past year and a half, biggest thing that I’ve noticed that I haven’t seen mentioned on here yet is my acid reflux and heartburn are basically gone. I used to be popping tums every couple hours and now they just sit in the medicine cabinet collecting dust."

– colleennicole93

Expanding Capabilities

"I'm all for not judging people by their appearance and I recognise that there are unhealthy, unachievable beauty standards, but one thing that is undeniable is that I can just do stuff now. Just stamina and flexibility alone are worth it, appearance is tertiary at best."

– Ramblonius

People Change Their Tune

"How much nicer people are to you."

"My feet weren't 'wide' they were 'fat.'"

– LiZZygsu

"Have to agree. Lost 220 lbs, people make eye contact and hold open doors and stuff"

"And on the foot thing, I also lost a full shoe size numerically and also wear regular width now 😅"

– awholedamngarden

It's gonna take some getting used to.

Bones Everywhere

"Having bones. Collarbones, wrist bones, knee bones, hip bones, ribs. I have so many bones sticking out everywhere and it’s weird as hell."

– Princess-Pancake-97

"I noticed the shadow of my ribs the other day and it threw me, there’s a whole skeleton in here."

– bekastrange

Knee Pillow

"Right?! And they’re so … pointy! Now I get why people sleep with pillows between their legs - the knee bones laying on top of each other (side sleeper here) is weird and jarring."

– snic2030

"I lost only 40 pounds within the last year or so. I’m struggling to relate to most of these comments as I feel like I just 'slimmed down' rather than dropped a ton. But wow, the pillow between the knees at night. YES! I can relate to this. I think a lot of my weight was in my thighs. I never needed to do this up until recently."

– Strongbad23

More Mobility

"I’ve lost 100 lbs since 2020. It’s a collection of little things that surprise me. For at least 10 years I couldn’t put on socks, or tie my shoes. I couldn’t bend over and pick something up. I couldn’t climb a ladder to fix something. Simple things like that I can do now that fascinate me."

"Edit: Some additional little things are sitting in a chair with arms, sitting in a booth in a restaurant, being able to shop in a normal store AND not needing to buy the biggest size there, being able to easily wipe my butt, and looking down and being able to see my penis."

– dma1965

People making significant changes, whether for mental or physical health, can surely find a newfound perspective on life.

But they can also discover different issues they never saw coming.

That being said, overcoming any challenge in life is laudable, especially if it leads to gaining confidence and ditching insecurities.