People Share The Best "It's A Small World" Stories

What are the odds?

Life is full of crazy possibility and unbelievable coincidence. You have to wonder if fate and destiny are actual things. I mean what are the odds that we could come face to face with family or old acquaintances in the darkest rooms at the farthest corners of the Earth? Or how in the world do you wake up one morning next to a long lost relative? The surreal is plausible, even on a planet of billions. The Universe definitely likes to have some fun. And the world may actually be smaller than we think.

Redditor u/TruckerGabe wanted to see who else can attest to life's great "coincidences" by asking... What's your best "it's a small world after all" story?

The Bloodline.... 

I was selling some books online years ago and some guy reached out. We agreed upon everything and decided to meet after we had realized that we live in the same town. During the meet-up we also discovered that we have the same surname; it turned out that we're actually long distance cousins. I gave him a discount and we still keep in touch to this day. Miss_Keys

Auntie Em?

A few years after I found my natural father, he sent his sister to bring me $ when I was in a mental hospital. I'd gone there because I was having trouble dealing with PTSD. So anyway, we were sitting out on the smoker benches, and I realized it wasn't JUST that she looked much like my real dad, she looked familiar. I asked her where she had worked. Turned out she was a teller at the bank branch where I did all my adoptive mother's banking for almost 20 years! My mom was agoraphobic, so I ALWAYS did her stuff for her. I'd dealt with my real aunt for years.... telerisghost

School Daze....

I was in Japan with my boyfriend and saw my favorite high school teacher sitting at a restaurant we were going to eat at. We live in the US so it was a weird coincidence. Luxuryserena

The Mean Girls....


I was holidaying in Europe and went to a lovely little restaurant in Greece for dinner. I was dining alone, and the girls (about the same age as me) from the table next to me started talking to me mid way through my dinner. Turns out we were all from Australia, but different parts of the country. At the end of the night I added them to Facebook and went on my way. The next morning I wake up to an angry text on my phone, from one of my best friends from Uni, asking why I added the girls to Facebook. Turns out they used to bully her all through high school before she moved to my state for Uni. Fruitloops_for_B

Tristan! Come Back!! 

Was on vacation in Phuket, Thailand. Finished my beach book by one of my favorite authors. Tristan Jones. Went in to a used bookstore near the beach, found a new book by him (which was weird, he's fairly obscure) in the "new arrivals" box. Store owner said it had just been dropped off, 20 minutes earlier. By the author, who had also autographed it. AkumaBengoshi

Berlin! The city of.... Um... Coincidence! 

I worked with a girl at a movie theater in the US for about three years. Years later I ran into her in the parking lot of IKEA in Berlin. We'd both just moved there. ArmyOfDog

Alaska Tales....

I grew up (mostly) in Alaska. After college and some failed career paths - joined the Army. Outside of going overseas, was stationed pretty much as far away from Alaska as you can get in upstate NY.

Before you're assigned *your* barracks room, they put you in a transition/temp room. My roommate at the time?... from Alaska. Not just Alaska, but the same town I grew up in Alaska. We were some years apart so we barely knew the same people but it was nuts. TacticalNaps

He can't hide Forever! 

One time I saw my dad (who left us) in a public bathroom. So I ran out because I was like 8 and scared. Bumblebee4Life

"It makes sense that you'd find a piece of s**t in the bathroom." Pacatrack

Fate is the best reference!


I went in for a job interview a few months ago. My interviewer mentioned he recently moved back from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I told him how my cousin was living there for work, and I had visited him a few times. Ends up, he lived 2 apartments down from my cousin and was good friends with him. I got the job. ShayBriar


My Best Friend's Wedding....


Was on a boat party on the Thames in London and got talking to one guy from America who was traveling around Europe, he ended up joining our group for drinks after. Travelled across to the US the following year for a friend's wedding and turned out he was the brother of the maid of honor.... CrispyBaconAndSyrup

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Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

It's a teacher's job to leave a lasting impression and set a good example for their students.

With this in mind, particularly in this age of viral videos and social media, teachers have to be very careful of what they say during class hours.

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Then too, sometimes teachers leave their students baffled and perplexed by what they say in their classroom, well aware of what they were saying.

Always making for a memorable story.

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Redditors can corroborate this. Many of them have experienced symptoms that told them they were sick in some way -- usually with a very serious illness -- and are ready to share those experiences.

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