Halloween Buffs Imagine The Worst Possible "Sexy" Costumes To Wear This October

Listen, guys... let's sit down and have a really honest chat here, kay? Halloween is coming up, and I know you all want to get creative. Creative is good! There need to be some rules to that, though. Cultures are not costumes, blackface is never okay, and for the love of all that is good in this world not EVERYTHING needs to have a "sexy" version. We're looking at you, sexy ear of corn.

One Reddit user asked:
What would be the worst thing to dress up as for Halloween if it has to be a "sexy" version?

Be warned, if you're not looking to be offended or you're hoping for things that are "in good taste" - boy are you in the wrong article. People's answers were just ... just... awful. They've been edited for language but the terrible thoughts are still there.

"That Miley Cyrus Thing" 

Sexy school shooter. You could do that Miley Cyrus thing where you lick the barrel.

- thedapperguy

Those Sweaters

Bill Cosby... but imagine those sexy sweaters.

- WokeStoner420


A few places already pulled Sexy Handmaids Tale costumes from their websites/shelves because of the backlash from having "sexy" costumes.

- HarleyQ

Buzz Baby Buzz

Sexy post-transformation Jeff Goldblum from the hit film, The Fly.

- sadpanda989


Member of the lollipop guild. Sexy munchkin= Snooki.

- fo__ol

Even Worse

When I was in college two of my friends decided to go as the Twin Towers for Halloween. They had tiny figures hanging out of the windows with string and were chain smoking cigarettes so they could blow smoke out of their costumes. They only wore them for like an hour before taking them off and putting something else on, but I would say a sexy version of that would be even worse.

- -eDgAR-

Stupid Sexy Flanders

Flanders - stupid sexy Flanders

- skuntle

Fish Sticks Have Never Been More Fun

Sexy Gorton's Fisherman!

- SheeshOnALeash

"With Alcohol" 

Sexy Judge Kavanaugh ... with alcohol

- Demonae

Bob The Builder

His d*ck is a hammer and you're going to get nailed, it's Bob the Sexy Builder. Can we f*ck it? Yes we can!

- SwirlyKalen

H/T: Reddit

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