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Cross necklace
Photo by James Coleman on Unsplash

One thing which has drawn people to live in the United States is the freedom to practice any religion you wish.

While sadly, this hasn't prevented acts of bigotry or violence against certain religions, it has spared people being forced to practice a certain religion, even if they disagree with its values or practices.

One's relationship with religion is very personal, as it only has value if it finds them and gives them the strength and comfort it is intended to.

This rarely happens when it is forced upon others, which often leads to people searching for another religion, or abandoning the practice of religion altogether.

Largely owing to the fact that they found no comfort or solace in it.

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woman in white wedding dress
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

When it comes to romantic relationships, especially when marriage is talked about, it's good for the two people in the relationship to share similar values, principles, and beliefs.

Maybe you discuss whether or not you want children, and if so, when. Maybe you'll talk about how to split household duties or whether or not to combine finances. And of course, you'll talk about religion.

Religion can play a large role in life for people of faith. The rules or recommendations of their faith help them to decide what's right and wrong, what to do in any given situation, and maybe even how to raise kids.

However, if one partner is religious and the other is atheist, it can be difficult to find a middle ground. It's not impossible, but it may not always be easy.

Atheists on Reddit know this first hand, and have shared what their relationship is like with a person of faith.

The stories were as diverse as religion itself.

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Former Christians Explain What Made Them Leave The Church
Photo by Josh Eckstein on Unsplash

Why do people leave the Church?

So many reasons.

It's an important question the Church should look into further.

Attendance has been steadily declining for decades.

Society has evolved on so many issues and behaviors that the Church just seems to stay stagnant.

People aren't going to stay where they don't feel welcome.

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5 Magic the Gathering land cards fanned out on a black background
Photo by Ryan Quintal on Unsplash

The trend of calling anything misunderstood "Satanic" definitely isn't a new one, and the list of supposedly devilish things is quite extensive.

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People Break Down Which Things Aren't A Religion But Folks Treat Them Like One
Photo by James Coleman on Unsplash

We as humans seem to worship at the altars of many.

Religion is religion.

There is a history and a purpose behind it.

Have we gotten out of hand with treating other aspects of life in a Godlike manner?

It's all too serious sometimes.

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