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Doctors Who've Been Treated By Other Doctors With Their Speciality Reveal What It Was Like

Doctors Who've Been Treated By Other Doctors With Their Speciality Reveal What It Was Like

Doctors Who've Been Treated By Other Doctors With Their Speciality Reveal What It Was Like

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There's an old saying among hospital staff: Doctors make the worst patients. You can spend a short amount of time to ponder why that is, but the easiest solution is usually the best solution. When you have two people, arguing over what's the best way to treat one of them, things are bound to get heated, and entertaining. Reddit user, u/xblackacid, wanted to know the best of these tales when they asked:

Doctors of Reddit, have you ever been to the doctor who specializes in what you specialize in? If so, what was it like? Was it weird?

Might Be More Than You Thought

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Saw one of my attendings for a vasectomy.

It's good to have it put in to perspective so I know what my patients go through when I have them whip out their junk.


Spinal Tap

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Anesthesiologist: Pretty weird. I asked for a spinal for ankle surgery, so I could feel what they're like myself. The anesthesiologist had to stick me three times for the spinal.

Then when the surgeon was prepping I could feel how cold the iodine was. Dammit. So I had to go to sleep after all :(


Letting Go Of The Scalpel

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My wife is a surgeon. She has had surgery before and says it not weird. She can't exactly perform surgery on herself and grew up going to doctors despite having parents who were doctors so it was normal to her.

Interestingly, our son had to have open heart surgery as an infant and she said that it was hard to let someone else operate on her baby. You don't really trust anyone as much as you trust yourself, especially when it comes to your kids. She couldn't operate on him for obvious reasons and she's also not even a cardiothoracic surgeon so it only made sense that someone else performed the surgery, but she said it was still extremely hard and she couldn't stop thinking about everything that could go wrong. Similarly, her sister is an anesthesiologist and gets nervous when her kids have to be placed under anesthesia. I think being more educated on the topic can be both a blessing and a curse.

Note: Our son's surgery went fine. You wouldn't be able to tell he had surgery on his heart unless you looked at his scar. He's currently playing baseball and training for a youth triathlon.


A Soda Tooth

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I'm a dentist at a two-doctor practice, so we're basically each other's dentists, and we give each other Looks because both of us are kind of coffee/soda addicts and have seen each other's radiographs. The other dentist keeps whinging about how they need a crown but will never get in the d-mn chair for me to drill it! Doctors make the worst patients, it's said...


Who Consoles The Consolers?

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As a psychiatry resident, I started consulting a psychiatrist myself. It was strongly recommended by several of ours seniors on our first day, since it can be quite violent for lots of different reasons, (horrible patient life stories, lots of sexual abuse, being threatened or attacked by some patients...).

It's not a physician/patient relationship. We talk very openly, like two coworkers, and he tells me a lot about his own experiences and difficulties. It's a bit like having a "tutor", which we don't have during our internship in my country. Very helpful !


No One Knows

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Neurologist. It was weird. I kinda just went in and was like "I have no f-cking clue, it's weird and doesn't fit the closest syndrome." He just replied "Yeah, no, that's pretty weird, I have no idea either. What do you wanna do?"

So we were both flumoxed and ended up doing nothing and hoping, which is pretty par for course for neuro anyway


Gender Pranks

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I thought I broke my foot and went in to one of the ERs I staffed as a resident because I knew that ED wouldn't be busy and I didn't trust the local urgent care to read my foot xr.

One of my mentors (who is also department chair and vice chief of staff) was on. He saw I checked in on the computer, changed my complaint to "vaginal pain" and when I got to the room, the nurse reflexively put the pelvic cart in the room...good times. Also, foot wasn't broken.

Edit: yes, I am male.


Taking Yourself Out Of The Equation

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I'm a family doctor (aka GP). Sometimes I call my family doctor to parlay about my kids when they're ill because it's hard to doctor your own kid. I prescribe my own hay fever medication though. My family doctor also places IUDs, but I opted to get my IUD at a gynaecologist, despite that costing money, because I felt that would be weird to get from someone who's basically a coworker.

And my doctor is retiring soon... And I'm going to take over his practice. So I gotta find a new one!


"...It Wasn't Enough"

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A close family friend is a neurosurgeon at a large academic center (training neurosurgery residents). He had a seizure in the bathroom, hit is head, and had a massive cerebral hematoma. Rushed to the ER and then seen by his own residents (trainees) as well as colleagues. Imagine you're training someone one day to do neurosurgery and then you come in on a stretcher the next day needing them to do it to you.

BTW, he did die unfortunately. They must have drilled a hole to reduce the swelling (or whatever neurosurgeons do) but apparently it wasn't enough.


Wasting Time

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Also a med student and I had to most unusual experience at the GP the other day. I had to go to a different one than ususal because mine was on holiday and as soon as he found out I was a med student he started talking to me about all my different classes, told me about his time as a student and gave me the number of a professor friend of his to see regarding the field I'm interested in. Then he send me out to his daughter's office to do the actual examination because he saw how late it got.

I was in his office for a good hour.


Change The Channel

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My dad asked to watch his own vasectomy.

The doc said ok and my dad fainted and split his head open.


You're 15 Minutes Are Up. Mine Start Now.

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I'm a medical student, but a couple months ago I went to a psychiatrist. When he found out that I was a Med student he started telling "back in my day" stories which ultimately ended in a rant about how med students have it so much easier these days.

That was definitely an awkward 45 minutes


A False Start

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Emergency Medicine registrar (US= resident) - I fainted in handover one morning. Boss insisted on working me up in case there was a worrying underlying cause.

Nothing found and eventually agreed with me that it was likely to just be 13h night shift with no eating drinking or taking a break, combined with the AC malfunctioning and the department being like an oven.

They kept asking what I wanted to do. The whole point of seeing someone else when you're sick is because your own judgement probably isn't the best. I pretty much just wanted to go home and sleep, but just said " yeah, okay" to every test he suggested.


Missed A Glimpse

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A couple of comments. I no longer tell phlebotomist I'm a doc if I can help it, because they get nervous and miss probably 80% of the time. If I don't tell, they almost always do a great job.

When I was in labor with my son, the resident on call had been one of my classmates. He would have to examine my cervix and stuff overnight as it would be necessary. That would have been weird, except that he said this: "I'll have the OB nurse check on your routine progress as necessary, but if you run into ANY problems, you're mine." That was just the right thing to say and do, and all went well, thankfully.


Those Aren't The Numbers I Want

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My father is a cardiothoracic surgeon. He had heart surgery about 10 years ago.

I remember him walking out of his room with the heart rate monitor and was telling staff that the readings on the monitor weren't what he wanted them to be and that they should read "X" and that he needs "X" of "X".

After that my uncle turned to me and said, "doctors make for the worst patients"


When You See The Numbers Add Up

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A nurse, with emergency and shock/trauma experience. I was rear-ended at freeway speed in stopped traffic. CHIBLOC plus massive intrusion into the passenger compartment = level one trauma. Traffic was garbage and so the local ambulance service got me far enough to get to a clearing for the helicopter to take me to a hospital.

My fool a-- flips into trauma nurse mode and starts grilling the EMTs on the bus and then the flight nurses about why I need air transport and, if they really feel I need a bird, why the f-ck are they taking me to a level two trauma center... of course I declined the Ativan they kept offering me.

Surreal experience. More surreal still when I get a 39k chopper bill for a 10 mi ride to a bandaid station.


Get To The Point

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I'm an ob/gyn. Went to see a gyn (that I've worked with professionally).

Wasn't weird at all. She was quick and to the point which was perfect for me but she's also down to earth and kind. I just didn't want to see someone I worked with really closely or one of my male attendings.


I Suppose Not

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I suppose optometrists don't have much choice do they?


ALL The Goods

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So I'm a labor and delivery nurse. I am pregnant and since I get free healthcare at the hospital where I work, I will be delivering there. Which means my coworkers will be my nurses and doctors and will know and see EVERYTHING. I think for most people that would be a nightmare, but I'm honestly looking forward to it. I trust the people I work with and I also get to pick and choose which nurses and doctors I get. So basically I'll get the best healthcare possible, and all my friends will be there after the birth to come congratulate me!


Sometimes, You Can Even Learn

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As soon as the doctor I'm with finds out I'm a Med student they treat me way nicer. They take opportunities to teach me, actually discuss my treatment with me as an equal and allow me to have input. As someone who has a chronic condition and so regularly has contact with doctors it has really improved my experience.


Remember, They're Human Too

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More weird for her colleagues treating her. My mother worked in neurology. After her aneurysm, none if her co-workers wanted to officially declare her brain dead (they did tell my family she was though).

They kept her on the machines for a couple of extra days until the most senior staff member in the department did it.


H/T: Reddit

The Worst Cases Of 'Rich Kid Syndrome' People Have Ever Seen

A Redditor asked: 'What’s the worst case of “rich kid syndrome” that you’ve ever seen?'

We are now aware that the distribution of wealth is severely skewed to the top one percent of the population, and rich people have a completely different perception of how the world works and what's "hard" than middle- and lower-class people do.

But what's so disheartening is how their beliefs and limited understanding of hardship trickle down to their children, and how those children are interacting in society is honestly shocking.

Redditor WaterWire asked:

"What's the worst case of 'rich kid syndrome' that you've ever seen?"

The Jet Doesn't Count

"I used to work with someone who proclaimed to be an environmentalist. She was very preachy."

"Once I had a can of Coke on my desk. She said, 'You're going to recycle that, right?'"

"She used her father's personal jet all the time. Once, just to fly from NYC to Boston to see a baseball game."

- LiterallyOutToLunch

Disposable Cars

"A girl I went to school with crashed and totaled six cars in three years and her parents continued buying her better newer cars because every accident 'wasn’t her fault' and if she had stuff like a backup camera and sensors they 'wouldn’t have happened.'"

"She got into a fender bender in the school parking lot and her dad showed up with a wad of cash and paid the other student off."

- nosenseofpermanence

A Simple Grade Change

"When I was in college for my grad degree and I was working as a T.A. (teacher's assistant), during a specific term I was helping my professor with some admin duties for one of his post-grad courses he taught for a different field than mine, and we had this one student who was arguing that she wanted a higher final grade than the one she had gotten."

"We listened to her explanation to see if there was any merit to her request and there was something that needed to be changed, but it basically boiled down to, 'I think my grade is too low and I deserve a higher grade because I say so,' and we simply told her that after reviewing her performance we could confirm that her final grade was correct and there was nothing to be done about it."

"She completely lost it and transformed into a Super Karen and after arguing for a bit, she stormed off and started emailing me and the professor and copying everybody in the email chain: her program director, the department head, the head of our registry office, Will Hunting, the security guard, the librarian, etc., and every email she sent was progressively ruder and more entitled than its predecessor because everybody kept telling her that she was unfortunately in the wrong and there was nothing to be done about it."

"Eventually, she sent a really smug email where she said something to the effect that since everybody was a dumba** and incompetent at our jobs, we had forced her to copy her father who was really close friends with the dean to the email, so we were f**ked and we had to do as she said or daddy would get us all fired. Keep in mind, this was a grad student in her mid-twenties."

"The highest ranking person in the email chain replied, reiterating that we were all very sorry, but she was in the wrong, her grade was correct, and it would not be changed."

"Then her father replied to the email chain and just said, 'There you go, dear. I hope you learn from this.'"

"She didn't reply anymore after her daddy's email, and the matter was closed. To this day, I like to imagine that dear old dad tore her a new one for dragging him into her bulls**t and making him look bad in front of a bunch of professors from a well-known university where his BFF was the dean because she, his grown-a** daughter, chose to behave like a spoiled brat."

- Tough_Stretch

First. World. Problems.

"I'll never forget a former friend stamping her foot and crying because 'Dad sold the jet and I have to take a commercial flight to our raaaaanch.'"

- tnrivergirl

The Cost of Priorities

"An 'Influencer' wondering why other people in their home country don't spend their life traveling like them."

- OrderIntegration

"I love the 'I’d rather have a passport full of stamps than a house full of expensive things!' schtick."

"Most of my furniture is from the free section of Craigslist and I would be thrilled if I ever get to a point where I can afford an international trip every few years."

- TogarSucks

No Help At All

​"Not me, but a friend of mine was an assistant trainer at a Panera store. They hired a teenager who was only working there to meet people, and one day had a group leave a huge mess in the dining room."

"Apparently the teen turned to my friend and said, 'Should we get the help to clean that?'"

"My friend had to explain that they were the help. He quit not long after."

- SailorVenus23

Garage Entitlement

"I was complaining about having to clear off my car from the foot of snow we'd gotten. A guy at work told me there was no way I had to clean off my car. I definitely did and it took a long time."

"Him: Well then, it's your own fault for not parking in the garage."

"Me: I don't have a garage."

"Him: Everyone has a garage."

"I'm like, look out the window next time you are driving?"

- Okay-Cheetah-9125

The Intrusive Thoughts Won

"A senior rich kid in my HS was driving his dad's Jaguar when his buddy asked him what would happen if he threw into reverse at 60 miles per hour. So they tried it and essentially blew the transmission and the motor up."

"A few months later, he got a Porsche for Christmas."

- New_Section_9374

Humbling Experiences

"I had a guy work for me in the military. He thought he didn’t have to do anything because his parents would just 'call their friends.' He ended up getting kicked out for LSD and cocaine use."

- ElfLordSpoon

"I did my mandatory military service when I turned 18, seven years ago. I cleaned s**t more than once, and my father had prepared me for it by saying, 'In the military, it doesn’t matter who you are, you’re still going to clean toilets.'"

"Only a few of my mates from back then knew who my family was and that was after a lengthy, alcohol involving, conversation/interrogation, lol (laughing out loud). You don’t wanna be standing out."

- RolexWearInGray

Unrealistic Shopping

"A therapist once asked me how much money I spent on clothes each year."

"I told her about 100 to 200 dollars, depending on the year and what was needed."

"Her response was, 'You can’t even get one dress for 100 dollars' and then proceeded to tell me that maybe I didn’t value myself enough."

"All I was thinking was, 'This b***h has never been to TJ Maxx?!'"

- FortunaLady

Very Different Backyards

"When I was in elementary school, this kid lived in the only gated community in the area, and the houses were all mansions. He was telling me a story about his tennis court in his courtyard."

"I said, 'Wait, you have a tennis court at your house?'"

"He looked genuinely shocked, and responded with, '…you don’t?'"

"It blew my mind as a little kid who had to share a room with my single mom, lol (laughing out loud)."

- Spare_Invite_8191

College Tuition

"Some girl in my college classes was genuinely shocked there were students who had to take out loans because their parents couldn’t afford to pay the 65 thousand dollars a year for tuition."

"I have a lot of extended family out in California who I’ve never met, but I sometimes hear stories from my parents who keep in touch with a few relatives out there."

"One of my distant cousins, who was like 17 at the time, intentionally totaled the new BMW his parents bought him because he wanted a Mercedes instead. Can’t remember if they ended up buying him that Mercedes or not, but they probably did. Sadly."

- Scortor

Exam Buyouts

"Rich Dude in my high school chemistry class flat out asked how big of a check his dad could write to get him out of taking a major test. He was serious. Nothing happened to him."

- GrayBox1313

Poor Packing Skills

"I had a friend who worked as a counselor at an American summer camp somewhere in Pennsylvania. He said that these kids would leave so much of their belongings because they couldn’t be bothered packing them up and they would just expect their parents to replace what they had left."

"He came away with Beats headphones, brand new shoes (although a few sizes too small), and gaming equipment."

"He also said that one day they were playing a game of flag football and one of the kids fell and grazed his cheek. This kid was some child model, so his parents had him HELICOPTERED OUT OF THE CAMP so he could get plastic surgery over the injury."

- amerika0210

Messy Kitchen Dilemma

"I had a roommate who would cook huge meals and destroy the kitchen. She would eat her meal and head to her room."

"A couple of hours later, she’d come out and be fully p**sed off that the kitchen was still a mess."

"She’d had servants most of her life and was now on her own."

- msjammies73

Though we know that the rich are often incredibly out-of-touch, these examples were still really surprising. Not only is their perception of money so different, but the disposable nature of big purchases, like vehicles, is just wild to think about.

It's easy to take our lives for granted and to forget how lucky we are in our own scenarios, but perhaps the rich experience this even more so.

Pair of scissors
Markus Winkler/Unsplash

According to the Cleveland Clinic, over 50 million men have had a vasectomy.

Although avoiding sexual intercourse is the only effective way to avoid pregnancy, the male birth control procedure still has a low failure rate.

Those who are apprehensive about having a vasectomy fear the following: pain, impact on sex life, effectiveness, and side effects like cancer. (The National Cancer Institute and the American Urological Association have found that the procedure does not increase the risk of prostate cancer).

To seek some reassurance, Redditor GaleNotTheWind asked:

"Men of Reddit who have gotten a vasectomy, what was your experience?"

Guys discuss what happened after the snipping.

Making Sure

"For the love of God, do the follow-up appointment. The last thing you want is to be accidentally playing with a loaded gun."

– sleepypanda59

Wise To Wait

"The paper work I got for mine which was done less than 2 weeks ago said that you could have sex 2-3 days after but... definitely said to wait another few days."

– SisterPhister666

Follow Post-Surgical Procedures Or Else

"Had it done twice while living in Japan no less. Why twice? The first one failed."

"... apparently, so did the second (says my now 6 year old daughter)."

– shoelessmarcelshell

These men found that the procedure itself wasn't a big deal.


"I was super anxious, but I had a great procedure. I was more freaked out about the shot of numbing agent to the balls, but it was legit nothing to worry about."

– Reddit

Normal In No Time

"Little operation, blue balls and no wanking for a week, then back to normal but without getting anyone pregnant."

– Bright_Composer_3901

"Made the mistake of having a pop after a couple of days. Jesus, the regret."

– Alante

Best Money Ever Spent

"When I woke up after the anesthesia - yes I asked to be put under, best $55 (after insurance) I ever spent - the caffeine headache I had upon waking was the most painful part. The preoperative instructions were nothing but water the evening before, no water for 4 hours before going under. The Safeway brand cola that the angel aftercare nurse brought me was pure refreshment."

– HarrumphingDuck

Cherry On Top

"Local anesthesia stings for a second or two then all you can feel is tugging after all is done the pain I would describe is like blue balls for like 2 days tops. I took a week off work recommend by doctor since I’m a construction worker and the heavy lifting but I felt like after day 3 I was good to go. Cons: minor pain discomfort, no hanky panky until last semen sample came out clear. Pros: , no unplanned pregnancies(it’s still possible very rarely)."

– Secure_Requirement84

Some final thoughts.

Only Pros

"To me, the only bad part was the smell of the cauterization of my vas deferens.. the procedure was fine. Local anesthesia before and during just felt slight tugging no pain. Recovery was easy. No pain. No cons. Only pros. And if absolutely need be it’s reversible. Much easier and less invasive than a woman getting her tubes tied and significantly less harmful than birth control. I’m an advocate. Get it done!"

– PunchARacist

One Unsettling Thing

"For me, it wasn’t the smell but watching the little puffs of smoke during the cauterization. That was truly and deeply unsettling."

"Otherwise, yeah, nothing major to report. Stayed in bed for a day watching old horror movies and assembling a Lego plant. Pretty much business as usual after that."

– GuestCartographer

The One Constant

"Got a vasectomy, it worked. Got it reversed, that worked.... twice Got another vasectomy...17 years later, all good. Just go to a legit great Dr. I mean top of the field Dr. For ANY messsin around down there. Vasectomy is WAY easier now than 25-30 years ago. In/out in an hour... The only thing that hasn't changed? ... The bag of frozen peas ..😂"

– richwat00

Vasectomies are performed via two methods, the incision vasectomy or a no-scalpel vasectomy, and both use local anesthesia to numb the scrotum.

Always consult a healthcare provider before undergoing the procedure and–most importantly–make sure you don't want to have children or that you and your spouse don't want to add additional family members.

Based on the anecdotes above, there's nothing to fear, so feel free to man up and get to snipping.

gray conveyor between glass frames at nighttime
Tomasz Frankowski on Unsplash

I've always enjoyed a good scare on film and my Mother indulged my preferences as she also loved a good horror film.

While we thoroughly enjoyed a good Disney movie together, I was also allowed to watch Jaws, The Exorcist and The Omen before I was 10 years old.

Slashers and sci-fi frights were good, but to me the most effective scares involved nightmarish scenarios that might easily happen in the not so distant future.

For me, growing up Roman Catholic meant demonic possession and the AntiChrist were on the list of plausible fears.

But what films offered possible Hellscapes for others?

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wedding bands on dictionary
Sandy Millar on Unsplash

Infidelity in marriages isn't as widespread as people think. While some cynics would have us believe faithful partners are scarce, they account for over 4 out of 5 spouses.

Still, 16% of married couples in the United States admitted to being unfaithful at some point in their marriage.

And 57% of divorces were due to cheating.

In marriages where infidelity occurs, but doesn't result in divorce, the loss of trust is still a problem. It can make emotional and physical intimacy challenging.

So why do people cheat instead of ending their relationship before moving on?

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