Creative People Imagine What The Walkie Talkie Inventor Might Name Other Things

Creative People Imagine What The Walkie Talkie Inventor Might Name Other Things

Doesn't scream 5 Star but ok.

[rebelmouse-image 18347647 is_animated_gif= dam=1 expand=1]

Forks would be Stabby Grabbies!

Sounds rather Presidential at this moment!

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Cruise missile: zoomie boomie.

For XBOX of Super Nintendo?

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Call of Duty Rooty Tooty Point and Shooty III

You can never go wrong with the classics!

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Woah... It just occurred to me. Someone already thought of this:

Underwear - tighty whities.

As long as I'm still breathing call it what you want!

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Defibrillator: The Hearty Starty

Would about the other sizes and foods?

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Spoons would be soupy scoopies.

And the toaster?

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Microwaves - heatie eaties.

What's the interest on that deposit?

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Places where you donate sperm would be wankie-bankies.

Much more dignified!

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A fart would be a booty tooty.

Doesn't make them any less uncomfortable.

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Thongs: peekie cheekies


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Pregnancy test: Maybe baby.

That's Looney Toonie!

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Rabbits: Jumpy Thumpies

As long as they're not holey!

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Socks are feetie heaties.

I see you. ALL of you.

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They would've named x-ray specs "eyesie spysies".

That could take the pressure off of first dates.

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Icebreaker activities would be meetie greeties.

What about with orange juice?

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Screwdrivers: Rightie Tighties

Ride in style!

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Limos are roomy vroomies.

Elmer's, Super or stick?

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_Glue would be 'Stickie-Quickie'. _

The New Lassie. Just need a Timmy!

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Wet dog: soggy doggy.

Any thoughts on the OBGYN?

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Pregnancy: Swellie belly.

Somebody's created a whole new language.

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Candy: Sweety treatie

Food: Yummy tummy

Dance: Boogie oogie

Tire swing: Ringie swingie

Chopsticks: Sticky picky

Speakers: Soundy roundies

Diploma: Classie passie

Glue: Thicky sticky

His girlfriend: Honey bunny

Computers: Starey squaries

Christmas tree: Shiny spiny

Subway footlong: Eaty feety

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