People Divulge The Best Mental Health Advice They've Ever Received

People Divulge The Best Mental Health Advice They've Ever Received
Image by 1388843 from Pixabay

When we're in the throes of a mental health crisis, or even just a very rough day, it's hard to zoom out. In that mental space, every negative thought is convincing, even alluring to cling to.

We grow so used to those defined grooves of anxiety and sadness that we forget there's another version of thinking, feeling, and interpreting all that happens within and around us.

So an outsider's perspective is huge.

Even the smallest piece of advice from a compassionate, intentional person can be enough to lurch us out of the funk--or at least get us started on the climb out.

Redditor sushi4vendetta asked:

"What is the best mental health advice you were ever given?"

Many shared the advice they've received that helped them remember the problems with the word "should." They realized that they needed to accept that, yes, they're not feeling so good.

But it doesn't last forever.

Temper Expectations

"Happiness isn't meant to be a constant state. The aim is contentment/comfortability, not constant unwavering happiness."

-- LostInEuphoria13

A Different Way of Looking Forward

"You don't have to be hopeful about tomorrow. Just curious about what's to come."

"Changed my outlook completely on life when it's going poorly."

-- freddy0got0fingered

Accept and Understand First

"allow yourself to feel how you're feeling."

"I get caught up in how I want to feel or how I think I should be feeling that I never really processed my emotions properly and dragged out grief etc longer than I needed to. I now remind myself that I shouldn't think I'm stupid or pathetic for still being upset about something."

-- lillyko_i

Would Anyone Else Be So Mean?

"If your best friend came to you saying they were having trouble in the same circumstances you're dealing with, would you be as hard on them as you are on yourself?"

"Would you stay friends with someone who treated you the way you treat yourself? What would it be like if you treated yourself with the same kindness and consideration as you would your best friend. Why not actually do that?"

-- AMarmaladeSandwich

Some discussed the importance of taking care of themselves. Sometimes we get too used to destroying ourselves to avoid upsetting the apple cart.

Only You Can Stick Your Neck Out

"You have to advocate for yourself, nobody is going to do the work for you." -- Shad0wD0gg

"Friend of mine says that you gotta have Pom poms out for yourself all the time- and for the people you care about. I liked this a lot." -- Impossible_Fold5059

Too Selfless

"Don't light yourself on fire to keep others warm." -- no1ofconsequencedied

"Tbh I needed to hear this" -- GodMomItsNotAPhase

"Exception: I would light myself on fire to save my daughter" -- Please_Log_In

Know Your Limits

"Set healthy boundaries and stick to them." -- tomographer

"thank you for saying this. Every time I used to set a boundary with my ex, he'd be like 'why are you giving me an ultimatum???' "

"A**hole, it's because I need to." -- FlurriesofFleuryFury

And others shared advice of a more pragmatic flavor.

Accepting the Context

"Me 'I don't want special tests or meds. I want to be on the same playing field as everyone else.' "

"Counselor 'you already are not on the same playing field' "

-- emscurtis

The Depression Zone

"I stopped watching the news because current world events just don't mix well with my anxiety. Like, at all. I'm sick of humanity's petty politics, and I'd rather tend to my own life." -- JoshuaSlowpoke777

Mental is Physical is Mental

"Simply to see a doctor about it when necessary."

"I was a competitive figure skater growing up and my coach was in the 2002 olympics and she said to me 'if you break your leg you go to the doctor right? So why would you not take care of your mind like any other part of your body' that sticks with me today"

-- capresesalad1985

Hopefully the next time you find yourself in a funk, one of these fires across your thoughts and it's at least enough to help you start to regroup.

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