Adults Divulge The Things They Memorized As Kids That's Stuck In Their Brain

Somethings you just can't forget!

You would be amazed by the things your brain retains. It could be a huge, life changing moment or a small, menial detail about an evening out with friends. They say children remember everything and boy is that true. Most of the time we aren't even cognizant of the things we can recall. Most of the time memories will come back in a flash during a moment that will surprise us.

Which is when you can't help but think.. "Damn. How do I remember that?" Unfortunately there are a few things I'm sure we'd all love to forget. It helps though when the things we were trained and programmed to remember come flooding back. We were too scared to forget.

Redditor RaeADropOfGoldenSun asked people to discuss... What's something that you memorized as a kid and will stick in your brain forever? The brain is an astonishing piece of equipment.

If only she had needed 8...


When I was 5 my mum took me to town and asked me to remind her that she needed 9 buttons. I remembered and reminded her and continued to remind her every time she went to town until I realised she didn't need to get them every time.

It became a bit of a joke as I got older, but I'll never forget those 9 buttons.


875-5309... Right?

My childhood home phone number.


I can probably recite my 2nd grade best friend's home phone number faster than I can recite my own current cell number.



I memorized how to spell "antidisestablishmentarianism" when I was like 8 because I read that it was the longest word in English and I wanted to seem smart. I was an annoying kid.


We had to learn the Animaniac's states and capitals song. I can still sing 90% of it.


United Sates, Canada, Mexico, Panama...


Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guyana and still

Guatamala, Bolivia, then Argentina, and Ecuador, Chile, Brazil!


Too many steps...

Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start.


Just cause we use cheat codes doesn't mean we're not smart.


The Golden Oldies..


The Pokémon theme song.


Survival tactics..

I learned Morse code and have no regrets.


.... . .-.. .--. / - .... .. ... / .. ... / .- --. .- .. -. ... - / -- -.-- / .-- .. .-.. .-..

help this is against my will,

only morse code i know, thought if ever I/m interviewed on the tele i could blink this out. I've never been interviewed on the tele. Tend to use it now when out with my other half at social functions, she finds it funny & irritating in nearly equal measures.


Dude, where's my house?

My mom made a song out of our address and phone number when I was about 4-5 years old so that I could tell someone if I were ever lost. I still remember it over 20 years later.


I remember doing this as a young child. Don't have that phone number any more but no doubt it's the only one I'll remember when I'm old and demented.



Speaking as a man of culture: the lyrics to Sir Mix-A-Lot's Baby Got Back.




A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter.



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