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scared face in the darkness
Photo by Melanie Wasser on Unsplash

Very few people enjoy being scared.

Those very few that do enjoy being scared often seek it out, by watching scary movies, going to a haunted house, or enjoying a thrill ride.

But even those brave souls who seek out being scared do not enjoy the feeling when it comes upon them by surprise, in real life.

Finding themselves or loved ones in life-threatening situations, and leaving them with a memory they would give practically anything not to have.

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When there is light there is no danger.

That is the belief we've all been fed,

But the truth is... the daytime hours are some of the most dangerous.

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Every red light, elevator ride, roller coaster... they're all riddled with danger. Seriously, the amount of crisis that we as humans escape on the regular is staggering.

I try not to think about the statistics of it all. If I thought any harder about it, I'd never have restful sleep.

I mean at this rate, just leaving a building that didn't collapse is something to be thankful for. How many times have you said... "But I was just there an hour ago!"

Makes you appreciate anytime we've got left.

Redditor NinjaNate123 wanted to hear about all the times many of us found a way to keep crisis at bay, by asking:

What is NOT a bullet you dodged, but a huge tactical nuke you dodged?
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People Describe The Scariest Thing They've Ever Come Face To Face With
Image by Mylene2401 from Pixabay

Life is an obstacle course in survival. Every corner we turn and every breathe we take could be our last.

Danger is abound at all times. That is why it is so important to stay vigilant. We can't take superfluous chances.

Trouble lurks in all forms. It doesn't have to be a mass murderer, the neighbor's dog can be lethal.

It's all about navigating the minefield that is life.

Redditor u/Reddit807 wanted to hear about all the times life has left us SHOOKETH to the bone by asking:

What's the scariest thing you've ever stood face to face with?
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People Who Have Been Declared Missing Share Their Story
Photo by Alexander Lam on Unsplash

Searching for a missing loved one is one of the singular most terrifying experiences in life. You pray that every second they are gone that they're not suffering. And never mind the trauma one suffers when they are a person missing due to nefarious circumstances. Often times what starts as a missing persons situation quickly ends peacefully, sometimes kids wonder off and adults take time away without letting anyone know or without thinking. But better to have a return alive story than not.

Redditor u/airherman wanted to hear the details from those who came home by asking...
Redditors who have gone/were declared missing, what is your story?
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