social cues

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People Share The Signs That It’s Time To Leave A Party
Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

You've been having a great night.

The drinks have been poured, the music has been just right, and all the night's conversations have ended with you thinking, "I would genuinely enjoy talking to that person once again."

All in all, a good party.

Then, IT happens. You know what it is as soon as it occurs.

You grab your phone, you grab your bag, you grab your friend and you vamoose, because this night just ended.

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Flirting Experts Share Social Cues For Oblivious People To Look Out For

Flirting. Some people are naturally flirty and charismatic, they smoothly enter a conversation then with a shimmy and a wink already have a date. Others...including this writer...have to be intentional about flirting and even then that “sexy wink" turns out more like a facial spasm.

There is help however, following others' experiences and flirting expertise below may just give you the boost you need. Just make sure to use your newfound powers of prowess wisely padawan.

Redditor ABowlOfLentilSoup reached out for all of us who are on the flirtation struggle-bus and asked:

People who are good at flirting, what are some social cues us oblivious people should watch out for?"

The Reddit hivemind came up with some helpful guides for the less flirty.


Mirroring body language. This is a tactic employed by people who work in sales and it's not always conscious. This is a psychological disarmament tactic we, as humans, deploy on each other."

“In the case of someone who likes you, while interacting, watch for repetitious patterns and mimic their body language. Eventually, if you cross your arms and the person whose attention you are seeking do the same, for example, you can rely on that being a good sign."

“That's not to say you need to reposition or fidget while interacting; remember, being comfortable and at ease is a way bigger turn-on and ultimately lends itself to a more approachable experience for all parties. After all, 'acting natural' is the penultimate jedi mind trick :)"


​“some actions are flirting for some but just being friendly for others...”

People will give alot of cues subconsciously, also some actions are flirting for some but just being friendly for others too. Pay attention to their eye contact with you compared to others, if one has small amount of eye contact with others but alot with you, generally it means theyre comfortable with you."

Physical contact is usually big for people who arent already touchy, people will generally be more touchy with those they like. When in a group and everyones laughing, people generally look at the one theyre most comfortable with first, or the one they like, could be either or both."

Action imitation is big, if you think someone is into you, do an action like hands in pocket or something, if they copy, they probably like you, or are paying serious attention to you for some reason. If they laugh at your dumb joke, either they like you, or the joke made them uncomfortable, depends on the situation."

Playing with hair is one that can mean something to, but some people also just do that alot anyway. Really id say some things can be a good tell more often than not but sometimes those actions can just be them being friendly, unless its blatantly obvious it can be something else, thats why the communication or the risk of asking someone is important."


Get flustered!

​“When a person is making relatively sensual physical contact, please, and I mean PLEASE get flustered, or at least mentally flustered. Do not ignore them because you've known them a while. Do not pass it off as jokes, look for some signals. You'll regret not doing so. I've never been oblivious, but G*d d*mn have I missed hints before.”


sweat wtf GIF by AwesomenessTV Giphy

​“My advice is to be observant.”

It really depends on who you're talking to. My advice is to be observant. Some, would prefer banters. Usually , when coming up with something witty, they return back what you said but relating it in a playful or opposing manner (i hope you get what I mean) or playfully challenging your views.”

“When it comes to touch, subtle touch on the arm or shoulders or patting the head and smile. Trying means to be with you is also a sign, but some are a lil more lowkey(like me), that'll probably prefer showing a playful side when it's just alone. So, it is also a sign if they change their aura from normal/serious to playful when it's just you alone. I hope these help.”


A more logical way to look at it.

Everyone is giving good advice, but flirting didn't click for me until i heard it described not as a set of behaviors to look out for, but as an escalation of suggestive behaviors couched in plausible deniability. Put practically, if someone is doing something to engage you that feels extra (lots of touching, looking at you in a way that feels a bit to long, or doing a lot of poking fun and complimenting you), then that might be flirting or it might not.”

“That's the whole point. Plausible deniability. They can safely disengage at any time. If you want to know if someone's flirting, you need to test it.”

“You do that by escalating things, but just a bit, so that now you have plausible deniability (touch them back in a comfortable way, maintain eye contact, or joke-compliment them back). If they escalate back and continue to do so as you escalate in turn, that is flirting.”

“Eventually one of you will break cover and do something with clear intent (a kiss, an approach + ask for a number, or straight up telling them what you think of them and that you're interested). Otherwise, if you escalate and they don't change their behavior or they back off, then they were probably just being friendly and you should take the hint and do the same.”

“Dunno if that's something obvious to people, but it was definitely not for me, and college parties would have been way less fun had i not known. Hopefully this can help someone else too.”


Its not one size fits all...

“Generally there's no one thing that gives it away. Everyone says to look for eye contact, look at posture, look for mimicry, etc, and sure there's some truth to that but no one should be expected to keep track of all of those things and not everyone exhibits any particular one.”

“In my experience, almost everyone can get a sense that someone is into them, but most people second guess themselves until they convince themselves it's nothing. I say trust that sense.”

“It's based off all of these factors that we pick up consciously and subconsciously, and almost always it's not a coincidence. When you think someone likes you, you can test that theory in a few ways. A subtle but effective example is inviting them to something you know they can't or don't want to attend.”

“If they express interest in rescheduling or finding some other way to spend time with you, they like you. Otherwise they'll just say no, sorry I can't make it.”

“This works because you're showing interest in spending additional time with them (this event would be more enjoyable for me if you where there) and if they like you they will be sure to make it clear that they are saying no to the event, not to you. Of course, you could also just ask. In my experience anyone worth getting intimate with is mature enough to deal with that question.”

They're into you...

Take it from me, we were in a club she wanted to go to, she was checking the girls out and asked which one I liked. I told her the girl with the hair to one side. Now get this, dumb*ss me NOTICED she put her hair to one side, but thought nothing of it."

“I'm sure she sent out more hints and cues, but being a guy with poor self worth, I brushed it all off, there's no way she's in to me. I was so wrong, it took one of her guy friends telling me that she hasn't shut up about me all night to realise that, hang in, she does??"

“Long story short, if you think there's a chance, don't be a dumb*ss and wait for luck to punch you in the face like it did me, take the chance, even if you're convincing yourself she isn't in to you, she probably is!"


Kate Mckinnon Flirt GIF by Saturday Night Live Giphy

​This Redditor broke it down into some helpful bullet points.

“A few examples of things that have helped give away someone's feelings for me:

-telling their friends about me

-remembering my schedule or other similar information

-telling me about they're previous interest with striking similarities

-bragging about themselves in ways that would make a potential partner happy ("I give great back massages" or "I cook a mean omelette")

-asking what my plans are at the end of a party/gathering instead of their friends

-looking for or grasping onto shared interests


Some sound points...

“They make a lot of eye contact. They are interested in what you have to say and ask you lots of questions. They laugh at your jokes, even the lame ones.”

“They initiate physical contact.They try to find space where you can talk more privately (this does not always mean sex but it often means they wish for more quality time with you).”

A good note to remember from this commenter:

“Do not take these as signs that a worker is interested in you. They literally get paid to seem interested in the concerns of every customer/client. Furthermore, any of these one signs alone is NOT confirmation someone likes you. Everyone flirts differently and some may not even use any of the above.”

“These were simply some traits that came to mind based off my limited experience. I have never been an expert at reading signals (I was always shy), but I think the most important aspect of flirting is demonstrating that you take a keen interest in the other person and want as much one-on-one time to get to know them better as a person.”

“Some people will rush the sexual aspect of dating, at which point their flirtations become more physical and obvious. But for most dating adults, signals are more subtle and revealed through conversation.“


​Everyone is different...

Everybody's social queues are different. Some maybe more extreme than others. So don't take stuff from this thread as the actual truth. Some people are just really friendly.​“


Although flirting may not come naturally to all of us, these are some solid tips to get you started. As always friends, remember consent is the sexiest way when you do decide to go for physical contact.

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Aggravated People Rant About Social Customs We Need To Stop Immediately

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Society has some weird, outdated customs.

In several states, for instance, it is illegal for more than three women to live in a house together because it is then considered a brothel. And we all know that's outdated and kind of misogynistic, but for some reason, nobody seems in any hurry to change those laws. So when ruj00 took to the internet to ask:

What social custom needs to be retired?

We were excited when it forced us to take a look at some of the dumb things we do as a society.

Work Yourself Hard

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I quit a warehouse job recently due to sh-t pay and terrible working conditions. $10/hr after taxes and union fees are taken out brings it down to around $8/hr. Only scheduled for 10-15 hours a week despite me being promised 30. Running around in a 100° F warehouse while covered in dirt and dust. Sweat + dirt + dust = constantly runny nose, sneezing out black stuff, breaking out in acne from touching your face, not to mention how it ruins most of your clothes.

My dad gave me sooo much shit for it. "You're f-cking pathetic. You're always looking for the easy way out. You don't know how to work hard."

You're g-d damned right! If I can earn the same amount of money doing an easier job in an air conditioned environment you bet your -ss I will. My dad is so old school it hurts. He told me he wouldn't work for a different company even if he was offered a 40% raise, as leaving would be "disloyal" to the company he currently works for. The same man that complains about how much he hates most of the people he works with.

"When I was your age I was working in a factory doing the same sh-t you were doing."

Cool, but like shouldn't you be glad that it isn't necessary for me to do that in order to live?

Repeat After Me: I Need A Vacation

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Being shamed for turning down overtime at work.

Sorry, but if I only have one day off this entire week, I'm f-cking taking it. If you ask me to come in on that day and I say no, asking "Are you sure? Think of the money" over and over won't change anything. It normally ends up so that they keep badgering me until I flat out give a made up excuse. Now I feel bad for lying, you clearly KNOW I'm bullsh-tting, but it's the only way to get you to stop.

I just need a day to myself. Gimme a break.


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People not getting that sometimes you want some alone time and there is nothing wrong with that.


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Having to post yourself doing something good on social media or it never happened mentality. I just went through the scariest storm of my life here in Houston with Hurricane Harvey. Tons of people were posting pictures of them helping demo walls in houses which is totally fine and dandy. But people were actually complaining about how others "waited too long to start helping" as if just because I didn't post the DAY after the hurricane that I was inside a house busting down walls that I never helped. Sorry I just dont need to film myself or document myself to prove that I was helping, not everyone needs to give themselves the ol' social media pat on the back. It's so f-cking annoying the type of society we live in now.

Prom Costs

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Extremely expensive prom dresses.

I built a $1200 Computer few months back and people where like you spent 1200 on a computer you crazy. Then my sister spent well my Dad spent $800 on my sisters prom dress and no one bats a eye.

Honestly she only used that dress once and a computer i can use for years to come.

Private Presents

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Opening gifts in front of the gifter.

I was exposed to the opposite custom while in Asia, where gifts are opened in private. It's so refreshing. You don't have to feign delight over something unwanted, unneeded, or that you're just going to return or regift later.

Need Experience To Get Experience

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Having experience for entry level jobs. If I'm applying for a job at Mickey D's, a cart associate, or anything that is going to pay me minimum wage, require nothing of me customer service wise, I should never lose an opportunity to get a job because I don't have enough experience. I had to deal with this, and my brother is dealing with it. I shouldn't have to know people to get a job at fast food joints. Service industry, low pay jobs, exist because you can literally hire people who have no experience for them, yet my brother hears he doesn't have work experience and that they're hiring a person with one more job worth of experience before him.

Toxic Masculinity

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Men are too tough to have feelings. Everyone has feelings, it's part of being human.

Let's Talk About Checks, Baby

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Not discussing your wages/salary with co-workers. The only reason this custom exists is to keep people getting screwed from knowing they're being screwed.

It's too late to 'pologize

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Public apologies that mean nothing. A company/public figure would be forced to release an apology and it would just be the most passive agressive and non-apologetic letter.

In The Chopper

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Helicopter parenting. This is not a healthy parenting style, but is sadly becoming the norm.

Since not everyone knows this term, a helicopter parent is a common parenting style (in the U.S., and I believe other western countries) were a parent is overly involved in their child's life, makes the child the center of the universe, and shelters the kid from any negative life experiences or consequences. Examples: older children not allowed to play anywhere unsupervised; parents applying for jobs on behalf of their kids and attending interviews with them; parents making teens download an app that tells the parent where they are at all times; parents flipping their shit when their kid gets a single bad grade, blaming the teacher vs. the kid. Then, these kids are magically supposed to grow up to be competent, well-adjusted adults, but have never experienced consequences and have been spoiled and sheltered their whole lives. Parents who don't helicopter are accused of child abuse and neglect, in extreme cases.


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The expectation that if you go on vacation that you need to bring back gifts. I was on vacation. I enjoyed myself and spent my hard earned money doing it. Why should I bring a gift back for people? They are more than welcome to go on their own vacation.

The Media Ruined My Life

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The CNN effect.

We are bombarded with information about everything that happens 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have no time to process what happens and understand it before the next story breaks. We don't have time to make our own opinions and just accept what our preferred media tells us, assuming they are non bias.

Unwanted Physical Contact

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Might just be local, but forcing kids to hug people they don't like/aren't comfortable with.

"Oh, honey! That's your great-aunt's cousin's daughter's mom! Give her a hug!"

"Hug your grandma, you'll hurt her feelings if you don't."

I HATED this as a kid, i hate seeing it pushed on other kids now. I'll flat out tell the kid, "You will NOT hurt my feelings and i won't be upset if you don't want a hug." My nephew is on the spectrum, and as a kid we'd high five because that's what he was okay with.

Seriously, my son is going to grow up being told that it doesn't matter if it's his cousin, grandma, mom or dad, future wife-NOBODY gets to guilt or threaten yoi into physical contact.

Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend

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Diamond engagement jewelry.

The entire mined diamond industry is filthy.

Artificial diamonds have a much nicer sheen because better purity (just like cultured pearls) and can be made for a few bucks a pop.

The fact that "mined" natural diamonds still command a premium is entirely based on perception and deceit. This too will pass though.


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Funerals. $10k to see a corpse. It's so odd and a bit morbid IMO. Why not just get together and reminisce at a house or restaurant?

Clean Sweep

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Having to have every room in your house spotless for people coming to visit during holidays. I don't mind sweeping and vacuuming common areas, but why does my room need to be spotless. We aren't selling the house. Since I was away at college my mother decided to clean my room since relatives are visiting next week and now doesn't know where she put my coin collection, my german crystal whiskey decanter that was a gift, or half of my vinyl records.

College Alternatives

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Schools telling kids that college is for everyone and acting like trade school and community college aren't legitimate.

When I was in high school a couple years ago, not only did they require teachers to devote a full day to pressuring people to go to a university, but we had an assembly where everyone who's been accepted to college got called up individually to walk to the center of the gym and be applauded.

I'm sorry if this is taboo, but some people are not emotionally prepared for college at 18, and some people simply don't have what it takes. I sure wasn't, and I'm naturally pretty Intelligent.

There's no reason my slacker best friend who counted his sick days so he could take the maximum allowed every year, and challenged himself to never read a single book for English his entire scholastic career, should be pressured in to taking $20,000 in debt simply because our culture says to before he decides it's too hard and drops out, or knocks a girl up and drops out, or any number of permutations thereof.

That said, we really need to teach civics in high school to create an environment where someone can leave high school ready to go in to a trade or whatever and be prepared to be a citizen of our country.

Gender Norms Are Dead

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Guys always having to make the first move in a relationship. Women (at least most I personally know) complain so often that men are horrible at picking up signals. Well then why don't they make the first move and be up front? It's too scary? Afraid you'll look creepy? Afraid of rejection? Yeah, welcome to our lives, shits terrifying, but give us a break pleaaaase

My girlfriend made the first move when I was taking it too slow. That was 3 years ago. Just go for it. Having someone openly and blatantly express interest in a guy is so rare it will likely make their week

Let Me Frown In Peace

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Someone telling you to smile. I surprised no one has mention this yet. There this one annoying front desk lady at my gym that constantly ask me to smile when I'm coming in to scan my ID. I don't want to smile, so stop asking. It's pretty rude to tell others to?