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Person texting with silver flip phone
Photo by Curology on Unsplash

When we're kids, we're taught by our parents, teachers, and other adults that what we're being taught is a skill that will stick with us forever, so we'd better master it and do so quickly.

But as any '90s kid will tell you, some things like balancing checkbooks and researching out of an encyclopedia really do become obsolete skills over time.

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People Explain Which Things They're Strangely Good At While Drunk
Photo by Fred Moon on Unsplash

It's a known fact, that after having one too many drinks, our judgment and multiple abilities become severely impaired.

And as a result, we should probably avoid doing important work, calling exes or unrequited crushes, and, of course, driving.

But, have you ever surprised yourself, by realizing that you're actually good at something after having a few drinks.

That maybe one thing an excess of alcohol cured was your self-consciousness, and may have improved your confidence?

Redditor 1bottleofwineb was curious to hear what hidden talents the Reddit community unearthed after having one too many, leading them to ask:

"What are you strangely good at when drunk?"
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Those who commute to work are always looking for ways to pass the time.

Many take it as an opportunity to catch up on their reading, or in this modern age, binge their favorite show on their laptop, tablet or phone.

Others, however, might make the time it takes them to get to and from work a little more practical, and either hone or learn a skill.

And while one can't master anything too complicated or difficult on the train or bus, there are some skills which can be practiced virtually any time, anywhere.

Redditor This_IsATroll was curious to hear from the Reddit community the ideal skills to fine tune on the way to work, leading them to ask:

"What's a silly little skill one can practice during the daily train commute?"
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People Explain Which Things Everyone Should Learn To Do
Li Yang/Unsplash

Grow food.

Even if it's just for one growing season, everyone should grow all the food they eat. Or as much of it as they can.



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People Explain Which Skills Are Easier To Learn Than Anyone Thinks
Photo by Shreena Bindra on Unsplash

Who hasn't looked at a scarf someone knitted for a loved one, a flawless homemade birthday cake, or an immaculately planted garden and thought, "I wish I could do that"?

But you'd never dare try to attempt it yourself, knowing that it's well beyond your personal skill set.

But is it?

Intimidating as they may seem, some skills might be deceptively easier than they appear to be, or might come more naturally to you than to many others.

Redditor halfmoon599 was curious to hear what skills people believed to be much easier than they seem, leading them to ask:

"What skill is actually easier to learn than what other people think?"
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