relationship deal breakers

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Divorced People Reveal The Final Straw That Ended Their Marriage

Reddit user glycerne asked: 'People who divorced, what was the final straw for you?'

When we think of two people getting married, we like to imagine it being the first day of their happily ever after story.

But some of these stories don't end happily, because their marriage was just a chapter in their story. And the reasons why these chapters end can be shocking at times.

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The Biggest Mistakes People Make In Relationships

Reddit user Valuable-Ad440 asked: 'What do you think is the biggest mistake people make in relationships?'

Person holding out paper heart to another person
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Dating experiences can be incredibly fun and even formative, but it can also be full of tough and painful lessons.

With each relationship, we're bound to learn things that we don't like or aren't looking for in our next partner.

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Grossed out woman sticking her tongue out
Photo by Maria Lysenko on Unsplash

Dating can be pretty fun, but like anything else, there are going to be some bad or weird dates.

But sometimes the person we think we're really into will do something so repulsive, we know instantly that relationship is over.

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Woman letting go of boyfriend's hand
Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

As much as we always hop for our dating efforts to be worth it and for every relationship to work out, we all know that some relationships are not destined to work out.

But sometimes relationships end for totally valid reasons, and sometimes the reasons are painful, if not devastating.

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Couple on roof with candles, overlooking city
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Anyone with any amount of dating experience knows at least a few things that they love in a relationship and a few things they find unsavory.

Just like discovering our boundaries and what qualifies as a relationship deal breaker, most of us generally have a few rules that we tend to live by in every relationship, whether it's romantic, platonic, or professional.

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