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A man covers his ears and screams in frustration
Photo by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

Humanity is a mess right now.

Thankfully I work from home, so it limits my exposure.

How did we get here?

Small slights or off-handed comments can send us over the edge.

But it is becoming increasingly difficult to give people a pass.

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People Describe The Worst Human Being They've Ever Met

The devil walks among us....

Evil is alive and well. That is just a fact of life. As much as we love to tell children about the beauty of the world -and Lord knows we could use some of that belief ourselves- we simply cannot deny the darkness of humanity. No, we mustn't let that knowledge paralyze us with fear or prevent us from trusting others and living our best lives, but we can stay vigilant. More times than not, the cruelest of the cruel are those we know. And they leave an impression.

Redditor u/snow__boy_ wanted everyone to divulge about certain people we've crossed paths with that left a reason to sage and smudge our lives by asking..... [Serious] Who's the worst human being you've ever met?
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The generation of the entitled is poisoning civilization.

Parents who are products of one generation seem to be overcompensating and are trying to sew the sins of their elders by creating a portion of people who believe we owe them the world.

Spoiling a child isn't cute, it's destructive.

And eventually the spoiled will learn the arduous way... rich or poor.

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Junk Food Junkies, we have been blessed with insider info! If you've never worked in fast food it's easy to assume everything on the menu is about the same quality. Apparently, that's not the case. One Reddit user asked:

People who work in fast food: what is one item from your menu you would never order?

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