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People Break Down The Biggest Lies Pop Culture Teaches About Sex And Romance
Photo by Danie Franco on Unsplash

Since silent films began, we have been inundated with love story after love story, where happily ever afters are easily doled out.

Pop culture has molded the idea of romance and pleasure for everyone... just around the riverbend, it seems.

And guess what?

It's all a lie.

Sorry, that came off as bitter.

Actually, I'm not sorry. I am bitter.

Damn you, Julia Roberts, for the unrealistic expectations you've passed on to us through all your movies.

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People Break Down The Most Annoying Fan Bases
Photo by Kelvin Moquete on Unsplash

The term "fan" is believed to be derived from "fanatic" or "fanatical.

Meaning "a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal".

Indeed, some fans simply can't hide their excitement for their favorite franchises, sports teams, recording artists, or political figures, no matter how hard they try.

Resulting in the birth of such monikers as "Trekkies", "Beliebers", or "Cumberb*tches."

And while these passionate, some might say obsessive, fan bases often find compatriots at conventions, premieres and meet-ups, those unfamiliar with the apples of their respective eyes might be confused by their level of fandom, if not down right annoyed.

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People Share The Absolute Saddest Songs They've Ever Heard

Songwriters base many of their songs on love because the relatable emotion makes it easier for artists to connect with their audiences.

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People Imagine How They'd Ruin The Mood If Someone Was Having Loud Sex In The Next Hotel Room
Photo by We-Vibe Toys on Unsplash

People sure do love to use hotels and motels to set the mood.

But sometimes those escapades get out of hand and disrupt the people around them.

So how would you get them to stop?

Redditor saxonn_88 wanted to hear how people would ruin carnal activites. They asked:

"The people in the hotel room next to you are having really loud obnoxious sex, how do you ruin the mood?"
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People Explain Which Quotations Absolutely Changed Their Lives
Photo by capnsnap on Unsplash

Great writing changes lives.

Great snippets can stay with us forever.

And beyond the grave.

So many people put great quotes on tombstones.

Redditor downtownshiba wanted to discuss the words of wisdom that have left a forever mark. They asked:

"What quote changed your life?"
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