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People Reveal Which Things They 100% Judge Someone For

Reddit user dolphinsR4evr asked: 'What is something you have a hard time not judging people about?'

man wearing Nike camouflage t-shirt

Oliver Ragfelt on Unsplash

The Bible advises people to judge not, lest they be judged.

Which seems to have been lost in translation for too many purported adherents to its teachings.

On a secular level, we're told to not judge a book by its cover, but sometimes...

Sometimes it's hard not to get judgy.

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A yellow stick figure family painting (little girl, dad,  mom, baby) on asphalt
Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

I believe good parents are miracle workers.

And I know for a FACT that it is not a job I am capable of doing.

But, based on simple moments I've witnessed, I do believe there are some people I can do better than... if I had to.

Not everyone is born to be a parent.

And the crux of life is that, as a parent, there is no way to save your child from not being a mess somehow.

Case in point...

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Mother comforting her son
Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash

Let's face it, when emotions are running high and something important is at stake, we're bound to make mistakes and either say or do the wrong thing.

This might even be especially true of parents.

But even if our angriest and most vulnerable moments, there are things we should never, ever say to a child.

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Newborn baby crying
Photo by Katie Smith on Unsplash

While starting a family and having children is a goal that many people have, some do not realize that it's not easy, fun, and loving one-hundred percent of the time. Rather, it's expensive, exhausting, and hard, though it might be worth it in the end.

With this in mind, people shared what they felt were the hardest hurdles of their parenting.

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Unconvinced toddler
Ryan Franco/Unsplash

Children believe what their parents tell them about the world to be true because they don't know any better.

That doesn't mean they have to like what they are told. But a good child listens and will act accordingly to be in their parents' good graces.

But sometimes, adults abuse their power and say whatever it takes to get a desired response from a young one–even if what they're saying may not be entirely true.

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