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People Break Down The Most Ridiculous Complaints They've Ever Heard In The Service Industry
Artur Voznenko / Unsplash

Some people strongly believe that everyone should be forced to work at least a year in the service industry to teach them patience, self-awareness, and how to properly deal with rude customers.

Think of it like an entitlement-diversion program.

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People Share The Most Entitled Thing Someone Has Ever Done To Them
Photo by Artem Page on Unsplash

A certain once-common name has become the unofficial moniker for entitled (mostly) White people everywhere.

They probably have a "let me speak to your manager" haircut and have not left the staff alone since the second they walked in the door.

And the things they say!

It's crazy that anybody could be that entitled.

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We've all seen them and at times we may have been one A KAREN! You know who that is.... a difficult person, that's describing it politely. Karen's make scenes and do all that is necessary to get anything and everything their way. Working in any form of a service job, Karens are your worst nightmare.

Redditor u/externalodyssey wanted to hear from everybody about their Karen encounters by asking.... Managers of Reddit - what is a Karen experience like ? What was you worst experience ?

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We've all seen them and at times we may have been one A KAREN! You know who that is.... a difficult person, that's describing it politely. Karen's make scenes and do all that is necessary to get anything and everything their way. Working in any form of a service job, Karens are your worst nightmare.

Redditor externalodyssey wanted to hear from everybody about their Karen encounters by asking:

Managers of Reddit - what is a Karen experience like ? What was you worst experience ?
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