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The Worst Things Parents Have Found In Their Kids' Internet Search History

Reddit user RodotC asked: 'Parents of Reddit, whats the worst thing you've found while checking your kid's search history?'

Person conducting a Google search
Photo by on Unsplash

Whether it's because of morbid curiosity or looking up epic ways to beat the serial killer while writing a suspense novel, some of us have had some interesting internet search histories that we'd rather other people not see.

But kids who have access to the internet for the first time might have the weirdest interest search histories of all.

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People Describe How The Smallest Amount Of Internet Fame Went To Someone's Head

Thanks to the internet and social media, it's never been easier to become famous.

Indeed, some people have used social media to such an effect, that they are as or more well known than any number of movie stars.

But others might have put something on the internet just for fun, unaware that they had a viral sensation on their hands ("Charlie bit my finger" anyone?).

Some people soak in this unexpected fame for a moment or two, and then let it pass as they go on with their lives.

Others, however, might enjoy being unexpectedly famous, and will relish in their unexpected celebrity for the rest of their lives.

No matter how small an audience their internet fame reached.

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People Break Down What Most Folks Have Forgotten About The Internet's Early Days

Oh, the beginning of the interwebs.

Those were the days.

We definitely did not see what was to come.

Maybe it should've stayed simple.

We'll never know.

Computers rule the world now.

Let's see where we are in another twenty years.

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Here we are, decades into the life and journey of the internet.

And we still can't clean up all of the horrible spots.

The internet is a fantastic invention with many, many flaws.

Our screens have been exposed to things that will remain with our souls forever.

So let's talk about it.


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People often go on and on about the dark web.

A secret place of scandal and horror.

But what is it really like?

Redditor AceofSpadesYT wanted to hear about the secrets and the salacious tales from the dark side of the internet. They asked:

"People who have accessed the dark web, what was it like?"
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