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People Explain Which Fictional Character's Death Impacted Them The Most
Photo by Gadiel Lazcano on Unsplash

The mark of a good piece of fiction is when one feels as if they actually know the characters.

Be it a film, television series or novel, there are some beloved characters we wish were actually our friends in real life, or whom we feel as if we've actually known all our lives.

As a result, when one of these characters dies, we sometimes feel as if we've actually lost a loved one.

Sometimes finding ourselves in a state of literal grieving.

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People Reveal Their Favorite Fictional Villain

Mirror, Mirror on the wall... whose the most wicked of all?!

No hero can ever emerge a remarkable hero without a formidable foe. So many have been brought to life on the silver screen and in great literature. The most entertaining, dastardly and downright fun to watch are the ones who can actually draw empathy out of us, and possibly a bit of sympathy. Each character is fueled by their pain and who can't relate to that? Half the time you may find yourself routing for them!

Redditor u/SadCicada wanted to discuss the MOST wicked of them all by asking.... Who is the best fictional villain and why?

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