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Make A Wish Foundation Employees Reveal The Most Unique Requests They've Received

Make A Wish Foundation Employees Reveal The Most Unique Requests They've Received

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The Make a Wish Foundation has been making wishes a reality for ailing and dying children for decades. They have selflessly united young people with their heroes, mentors and favorite humans and have granted the recipients and their loved ones fantastic trips and dreams they would not normally have been able to experience. All so that the suffering can still hold onto a shred of hope in the face of sadness. It's truly an astonishing organization that makes the lives of some just a bit more bearable.

Redditor _\_u/SkydiverTyler _*wanted to know *_Redditors who work for the Make A Wish Foundation, what is the most unique and/or mundane thing you heard a kid wished for?


I'm a volunteer and had an Amish kid about 6 get a wagon for their family horse and is excited to drive it next year because he can at 7 in their family


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I used to intern for Make A Wish and vacations were extremely common. They really take into consideration the kids' interests and try to incorporate as much as possible into the wishes as they can afford to.

The most mundane thing I helped plan was for a kid that wanted new bedroom furniture. I mean, if she wants bedroom furniture, we're gonna get her bedroom furniture. But the style she loved was like 80s/90s wood furniture you'd find at grandma's house. We triple checked with her and her family. It's what she wanted.. so it's what she got.


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We had a make a wish kid come into our store at my old job. We designed home theaters for our clients. He wanted a home theater but make-a-wish only willing to provide us with $5,000 to make it work. What he wanted to do would cost about double that at minimum.

One of the other employees I worked with used to do home theater installations for Geek Squad so he offered to go out and do the installation for free instead of having our regular installers do the work. Another one of my co-workers donated an older set of speakers for the project, and we convinced him to do a decent TV instead of the projector for budgetary reasons. We cut him some good discounts and made the whole thing work with the money we were given. He was thrilled all said and done.


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I volunteered for Make A Wish about 15 years ago in LA. I took a few kids hiking and one wanted to learn how to surf. Meeting celebrities and athletes was fun.

Shaquille O'Neal was incredibly awesome with the kids and families. He would spend well beyond his allotted time often sometimes to the chagrin of coaches when he was supposed to be in meetings or practice. He favorite thing to do was lift the kid up to the rim to dunk the ball. A few times he paid for the entire medical treatment but wanted no publicity. Great guy and absolutely massive


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Obligatory I don't work for make-a-wish. My little sister wished to be in her favorite show "Heartland" and she got to be an extra in a minor scene. They sent our family to Calgary, we got a tour of the studio, we met the makeup and costume crew who got her all countried up and amber marshal came to the set to meet my sister even though amber wasn't required on set that day. My sister got sat at the bar behind a couple characters and was given a glass of milkshake. It was actually magical and a big bright spot in what had been an awful time in our lives.


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I use to live in SoCal and my husband and I always saw a Make A Wish kid there.

One kid didn't just want to go to Disneyland.

He wanted to go to Disneyland, become a lost boy with Peter Pan, and fight Captain Hook.

Disney let the kid fight Captain Hook and his pirate gang on his own private boat with Peter Pan and the Lost Boys.


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I wanted to swim with sharks. They said no because it would be bad PR if I got eaten.

So I got to swim with a blind dolphin in Hawaii. That was fun though.


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One of my son's friends had a little brother with brain cancer who loved Lord of the Rings. Luckily, they had just started filming The Hobbit down in New Zealand. Make A Wish paid for the entire family to fly down to New Zealand and hang out on set for a couple of days. Ian McKellen and Luke Evans were super friendly.

Chemo saved his life and when each of the three Hobbit movies came out, his family organized Make A Wish fundraiser showings. And at each one of the three Fundraisers, multiple actors including Luke Evans and Ian McKellen would record a new video message for the kid and the attendees.


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Had a family friend wish for a football. Just a regular old pigskin. He was three and nearly died from brain cancer, so he was didn't comprehend the scale of it.

Make A Wish gave him a signed football (I want to say from Frank Gore or another 49er?) and sent the entire family to Disneyland right before his dad got deployed to Iraq.


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I interned for a Make-a-Wish branch in college for a semester. The vast majority of wishes were to go to Disney World, but there were some memorable ones.

One kid asked to go to Best Buy and Red Lobster, which we all thought was kind of funny, but he got a shopping spree at Best Buy and hopefully got some cool stuff!

One wish just read "Mickey with Marshmallows." I didn't see what it ended up being, but I don't see how it could have gone wrong.

One kid wanted to travel along the Orient Express.

One girl wanted to be a "puppy doctor," which was adorable if only for its phrasing.

There were also lots of room makeovers, concerts/sports events, vacations to Hawaii/France/etc. It was a cool gig!

People Are Roasting Trump Over His Mind-Numbing Observation About The Wetness Of Water 😂
@realDonaldTrump/Twitter, @)imawoodelf/Twitter

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