in public

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People Describe The Most Disgusting Thing They've Ever Seen In Public
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Being out in public is an optical minefield.

The nastiness and filth I have seen in these unholy streets is unfathomable.

I try to stay as focused on myself as possible, as to avoid witnessing anything I can't ever unsee.

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People Share Which Socially Unacceptable Things Drive Them Nuts

Did Emily Post ever write about more than dining etiquette? We'll have to check. When amongst others, or even when amongst oneself there are basic signs... trademarks, behaviors we're all suppose to follow. It's all about good breeding, or at the very least basic human behavior. Now, sometimes there are extremes that really just breed snobs but there are certain actions that just don't belong when trying to thrive in society. Who hasn't been driven mad by people engaging in obvious unacceptable behaviors? I've lost count of how may people I've asked in what barn they were raised.

At least according to the opinions of others. That's all that counts... right? ;)

Redditor u/sadboi017 wanted to discuss the do's and absolute dont's we should be aware of when amongst society by asking.... What is considered socially unacceptable for no reason?

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