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People Break Down Which Hobbies Scream 'That Person Grew Up Seriously Rich'
Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

People give off cues as to their economic background all the time. The clothes they wear, the car they drive, how they spend leisure time; all of these things are serious clues into how much income a person has swirling around at any given time.

As such, when we see these people doing these things, we immediately get some information about them, which leads to assumptions.

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Airplane Pilots Share The Scariest Moments They Experienced That Passengers Never Found Out About
Getty Images

Flying can be a scary event for many people, but it's actually quite safe to fly, statistically speaking. But then there are the incidents we don't hear about... Those were the basis for today's burning question from Redditor Splitdesiresagain, who asked the online community: "Airplane pilots of Reddit, what was your biggest "We're all fucked up" moment that you survived and your passengers didn't notice?"

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