People Share Their Best Last Minute Ideas For Valentine's Day

People Share Their Best Last Minute Ideas For Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is one of those holidays that messes with people. We know it's total marketing trash created as a way to sell us stuff we don't need. Roses die, diamonds are awful, stuffed animals collect dust and your dog's just going to eat the nose off of it anyway, and none of us need that much chocolate in one sitting - at least as far as our dentists are concerned. Still, if we don't celebrate it, some of us get really really salty.

That leaves people and their partners perpetually panicking. (High fives to me for that alliteration) Do we gift? Do we not? How much? What's appropriate? By the time we figure it out, it's often way late in the game - at least in my world. If you're like that, too - no need to worry. Reddit's got you covered.

Reddit user u/Top3GamesA asked:

Reddit, whats a good last minute idea for Valentines day?

Start taking notes, folks


Serious Answer: print out some nice pictures of the two of you (throw them in some nice frames or a book for bonus points.) People so rarely have physical pictures nowadays and its nice to have something you can keep on your desk or something.

Also you can hide sh!t in the background of the pictures and wait to see how long it takes them to notice.


Something Personal

The best gifts are gonna be something personal to the person and not something generic. Maybe some of their favorite snack food, or make their favorite meal. Take them to their favorite restaurant or just somewhere sentimental to you both.

- PleaseSendMeBTC

White Castle

Last year I was sick/injured and couldn't really do too much but the girl I was with suggested we go to White Castle and I was like "you're awesome! Hell yeah I'll go." And I was just gonna go through drive through but she said she called and made reservations like 2 weeks before and I was like "for white castle?" And I sh*t you not, there was balloons and numbers on the table and stuff and it was actually really cool. Plus who doesn't love those little delectable burgers?

- daydrinkingwithbob


Doing nothing........ no really.

Well perhaps not 'nothing', but the problem with Valentines day is everything suddenly doubles in price and/or is fully booked weeks in advance and I'm not just talking about restaurants. One of the greatest things you can do is go grab some food from the store and produce a home cooked meal for your SO and watch a film of questionable quality. Then throw on some Phil Collins and smoosh booties.

- Tiny_Tits_McGee

Sea Turtle Museum

A girl I have a crush on is really into marine life and the ocean in general. I wanted to take her to a Sea Turtle Museum.

- Onoh_9

Frozen Rose

The Ice Cream Rose in bucket

get a plastic flower pot, line it with foil or plastic wrap, fill it with cookies and cream ice cream, get a pack of oreos and crumble it, cover the ice cream with it, acting as dirt, and stick a long stem rose in the middle.

its a rose, and ice cream, and you did it yourself. Its fail proof.

- dillonsnfbtch

Ladies Love Meat

Not exactly last minute, but I'm planning on making my wife a nice steak dinner. I'm going to dry brine ribeyes and reverse sear them, make roasted garlic mashed potatoes, roast asparagus, and serve it with a wine bottle that we got at our wedding. To finish I'm making a nice white cake from scratch.

- herman-the-vermin

Live And Learn

Back in college my now wife and I went out for a Valentine's dinner. It was a nightmare. We didn't really even have the money, it was packed with other 20 something year old couples. The entire thing was just shitty and unenjoyable.

The next year we ordered Chinese and smoked a blunt.

I'm 33 now, and have two kids, so a blunt would probably break my brain, but we still just order Chinese and relax.

TLDR: Pot, take out, pajamas. In a pinch, at least just the last two.


I got a photo frame that has room for 5 photos. I chose 5 of my favorite photos of us together and assembled them in the frame. Walmart usually has big teddy bears and chocolate, and don't forget flowers. Also if there is a lush nearby go there, the staff are excellent at helping you score brownie points.

- advanttage

A Die Hard Valentine's

My wife and I choose a department store like Target (though we're thinking of using a mall this year), go there together, and then spend a set amount of time (about 30 min) sneaking around trying not to see/be seen by the other as we buy gifts for them within our agreed-upon budget. Then we check out (again, don't get seen!) and meet up near the entrance to exchange gifts.

This works best when there is a coffee shop or food court in the location you choose to make the exchange more comfortable. It's fun because the limited supply of the store you are in makes it both harder and easier to choose what to get. The gifts are definitely secondary to the fun of playing around like a couple kids, and anyone at the store who asks what the heck we are doing is always really positive about it.

This has been our tradition for about ten years now and we look forward to it all year. It's like a hide and seek/Die Hard Valentine event.

- withgreatpower

The Hunt

Write 10 or 15 short reasons you love them on slips of paper, hide them in your house and send them on a scavenger hunt!

- livmight

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