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People Confess Which Jobs They Could Absolutely Never Do
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Not everybody is meant to be great at everything. We're all not destined to be rockstars in every career field, even the career of being a rockstar can be too much for most.

That's why we we're all given unique gifts and talents to be utilized in many different ways. We should of course respect everyone and all that they accomplish in their own jobs, because hard work is hard work.

There are so many careers that are just too difficult to comprehend. You look at them and you don't even have to think about it, you just know... "Yeah there is no way that's going to work for me."

Although, never say never. Some ideas just take a quick try to be sure. Let's discuss...

Redditor Gerry4Derry_1916 was wondering which professions are just too much to handle, by asking:

What is one job you could NEVER work as and have no idea how others can do it?
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