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Things That Seem Normal To Europeans But Totally Bizarre To Americans

Reddit user TREE__FR0G asked: 'What is something that is normalized in Europe yet is a completely unknown concept in the US?'

Bride at nighttime in Paris
Photo by Léonard Cotte on Unsplash

Every country has its own cultures, beliefs, and practices. We know this, and yet, when we hear how a country does something differently than our own, we remain surprised.

Americans, in particular, seem to be endlessly surprised about European practices.

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People Break Down The Strangest Thing About Europe That Europeans Don't Even Notice
freestocks on Unsplash

Different cultures are fascinating and add color to our world.

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Americans Divulge How They Feel About European Attitudes About U.S. Gun Laws
STNGR Industries on Unsplash

The American public has seemingly appeared to grow weary over the frequency of mass shootings around the country making news headlines.

The obligatory thoughts and prayers response in the wake of a gun-related tragedy has almost become laughable as there is hardly any substantial progress in spite of numerous petitions and protests lobbying for stricter gun legislation.

It's not surprising then that outsiders have such strong views toward gun violence and gun laws in America.

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