People Share How They Feel About Peeing In The Shower

One of life's greatest battles....

Going #1 is a fact of life. We all do it regularly, on a daily basis... well we should be... if you're not, please call a urologist. When going #1 we can find ourselves in more "free" situations. Yes, it would be ideal to pee only and always in a toilet but, there are other non-harmless places. It's all a matter of perspective.

Redditor u/gracegilligan wanted to know who is willing to admit their shower activities by asking.... What's your stance on peeing in the shower?

Stand Up!


Feet about 1 and a half feet apart. Facing water. Standing up straight. That's my stance. Ididntdoit_maybe

Wiki how to pee in shower. gracegilligan


Saves water. Vesurel

Saves time too, and also prevents any risk of falling when going from the shower to the potty, also you have more time in the shower which is more time to contemplate life and hate yourself. poopellar

Yes, I'm evil. 

A related story.

I used to be a backpacker tour guide. It was a ten day trip with people from all over the world who would (usually) become fast friends. On day 5 of the trip, when everyone was getting to know each other and feel good about everything I would have everyone play the drinking game "I have never."

I would wait until everyone was nicely drunk and then drop the bomb. "I have never peed in the shower". Then I would sit back and watch as half the people drank and the other half slowly realized that the other half had been peeing in their shared showers for the last five days.

It was always amazing to watch. It never failed to cause a scene. Some people really freaked out. I'd just sit back and enjoy the fireworks.

Yes, I'm evil. Odogogod


In my opinion if you do it while the water is running no problem. Reddit

Anyone who is peeing in a shower without the water running must be killed. nonenone88



Grew up in a house with five people and one toilet. If you had to go and someone was on the pot, well, shower it was. WickAndWax

LOST HER MIND!!! mean, people don't pee in the shower? RN-1783

My wife found out I pee in the shower, and she LOST HER MIND!

She's such a germophobe that it absolutely freaked her out.

Since that day, I have never peed in the shower again. At least, that's what I told her.... therealtrashy

Just Is...


If you live with people, you have to do it, because they already did and you need to reestablish your territory, otherwise you're standing in someone else's. ProstituteEggz

Part of the Package.... 

Spouses who are this grossed out by each others' bodies is such a weird concept to me. I've only been married a little over 6 months but I did so with the implicit understanding that body fluids would likely be involved as the years pass, in whatever way they may. It's all fun and games until someone can't wipe themselves.

Also, why does it seem like germophobes always know the least about germs? If you're married to someone you're probably safer drinking their urine than the water coming out of the shower head, depending on how often you clean your shower head.

It's not like he's dropping deuces in there, which is gross but even then, fecal implants with housemates are preferred for a reason. You'd probably do a better job protecting yourself snatching his phone out of his hands and disinfecting that once a day. graceodymium


In the words of George Costanza "It's all pipes what's the difference?!?" ccharles324

Different pipes go to different places! islandalpinist

Let it Out!


I am a woman and I just let it out. I'm about to wash myself anyway. Ms_Auricchio

Same here. sophiacreme


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