Erica Diaz

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People Explain Which Things They Still Prefer To Do The Old-Fashioned Way

Has science gotten to a point where we can make mashed potatoes by just adding water to flakes, producing a smooth and consistent texture?


Am I still going to take the extra time to wash, peel, chop, boil, and mash my own potatoes, getting zero textural consistency but maximum deliciousness?

Also yes.

Because sometimes the "old way" is just better, and I'm very serious about my potatoes.

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People Break Down Which Car Accessories Make Someone Look Like An A-Hole
Donald Gianetti/Unsplash

They say never judge a book by its cover, but... like ... isn't that what cover art and descriptions are literally for?

To allow you to judge that book by its cover?

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People Break Down The Most Important Qualities Of A Good Driver

As someone who learned to drive in South Florida, I can say with full and complete confidence that I ... probably shouldn't have a driver's license or at least should only be allowed to drive in Florida.

Driving here is like driving on easy mode. We don't really have hills or mountains. No need for snow tires. I can't remember the last time I had to parallel park...

If you can get past the fact that about 70% of the other drivers on the road might actually be blind and earless ghoulish undead, based on their driving awareness, driving here is cake!

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People Explain Which Words Just Sound Inappropriate
Ben White/Unsplash

We're all adults who are totally mature and don't, at all, giggle a little bit on the inside when someone talks about what conditions are like on Uranus.

Yeah just kidding, that's hilarious.

Uranus is our favorite heavenly body.

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People Explain Which Things Are Extremely Difficult To Make Sexy
Cassidy Dickens/Unsplash

Sexy is different for everyone.

It's like ice cream - everyone has a favorite flavor with favorite toppings...or at least that's what you think until you meet someone who just doesn't like ice cream.

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