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What's most unsettling about people who grow up in cults or strict and conservative religious groups is they are raised with a highly distorted view of the world.

Rather than being taught to have an open mind and heart, they are brainwashed into believing that there is a very firm right and wrong way to live.

Often including sexist, homophobic, racist and other blatantly discriminatory policies.

As a result, when people leave these societies, either being rescued or through their own bravery, they are often shocked to discover just how different the world is than they were led to believe.

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People Share Their Strongest Non-Political Or Religious Opinions
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/GettyImages

People have long engaged in passionate debates about their firm beliefs on any particular subject, the popular ones being religion and politics.

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People Describe The Silliest Thing They've Ever Seen A Religious Person Call 'Demonic'
Photo by Lukas Meier on Unsplash

Religion is a funny thing. I get having faith, and Lord knows I need all the help and prayer y'all want to muster for me, but some people really just go overboard with what they believe God is going to be peeved at.

There are just some things people take issue with that make them sound like they should be medicated in order to be amongst the sane people.

I promise you cartoons are not evil. Let's discuss...

Redditoru/Yaoi_MakesMewants to discuss religion and some of its guffaws, by asking:

What is the stupidest thing you've ever seen a religious person call "satanic/demonic"?
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Religion can be a beautiful thing...

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Former Athiests Confess Why They Turned Back To Religion

It takes a lot to turn away from religion, so it must take even more to turn back.

Atheism generally comes about from people who have completely and totally lost their faith, either via a traumatic life event or from some other disillusionment. But some people do eventually go back.

Some go for the community. Some go for the lessons. But what is it that made them turn back?

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