Mike Walsh

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People Describe The Creepiest Experiences They've Had While Camping
Tommy Lisbin on Unsplash

Being one with nature also means being one with all nature has to offer. Sometimes, that's more of a curse than a blessing.

Nature is vast and fascinating, and as such, much of it remains unknown.

Encounters with the unknown are not the most desirable outcome of a trip that is supposed to be fun.

It can, in fact, taint the experience.

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People Debate The Widely Shared Advice That Is Utter Bullsh*t
Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash

Truly believe only half of what you see, and almost nothing that you hear. This is sage advice that has followed generations upon generations of people. Truly only filter out the things you know are going to work for you.

Unfortunately, not everybody has the self-possession to claim their own path. But we can teach those people what advice NOT to take. And some of that advice you should ignore is actually the very advice some people really believe in.

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People Break Down Which Actors Played The Villain So Well They Inspire Real-Life Hate
Brian McGowan on Unsplash

Have you ever seen someone take to the role of villain so easily and so well that you forever associate them with that role from then on?

Whether or not it's the first time you saw Othello in your community or the first time you saw What Lies Beneath with Harrison Ford as a murdering, unfaithful husbandā€”it sticks with you.

It can become difficult to separate the human actor behind the role from the role when you're younger and even more so, when you are deeply affected by the movie. They become the face of something you loathe, and it's difficult to divorce them from that.

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People Break Down The Most Intimate Things In A Relationship That Aren't Sexual
Filipp Romanovski on Unsplash

It takes more than being naked to be intimate.

True emotional intimacy requires vulnerability and a naked soulā€”something far more difficult to achieve around another person than first meets the eye.

The terror of being known is one of the more intimate experiences of our human existence.

We must give into it in order to truly know someone else, thoughā€”which is the paradox of love and intimacy.

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People Break Down What Our Society Values Highly That Is Actually Garbage
Stephen Radford/Unsplash

Society is a pretty imperfect place.

It holds a structure that everyone can operate loosely within, but thanks to a combination of peer and family pressure, invented standards of production and a whole bunch of other things, you can really get shaken loose from the structure and/or come to resent it.

And then there's the question of what isn't working anymore in our society and truly just needs to get the heck out? Humans have been around for a hell of a long time, and we have evolved in so many ways.

But in others, you start to truly wonder if we have all learned nothing.

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