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Nothing gets people riled up more than a troll.

No, not the kind of trolls in fairy tales who live under bridges, or the iconic dolls with neon hair and groovy clothing.

But the kind of trolls who say or do something purely to instigate conflict and rile people up.

Today, trolling is most commonly associated with the internet and social media, where people make a habit of writing rude, sometimes offensive comments purely intending to get a rise out of people.

But trolling has been around long before the days of Facebook or Instagram.

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People Explain Which Things In Life Are A Straight Up Scam
Pickawood on Unsplash

Since the pandemic, scammers have become more elaborate with their schemes.

While some eventually become wise to cons, the scammers are always another step ahead, coming up with newer ways to take advantage of gullible people.

However, we are not to be underestimated. Many of us are catching on to what's fake in our private messages and email inboxes.

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People Break Down Their Favorite 'One Weird Trick' That Works Every Time
Image by Mojpe from Pixabay

Got the hiccups? Here's a simple solution.

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People Share The Biggest Scams That Everyone Seems To Accept
Image by TheDigitalWay from Pixabay

While there are plenty of scams out there that scream "SKETCHY" and drive most people away immediately, there are other shake-downs that operate pretty far below the radar.

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Dear spam callers and telemarketers.... hang up and go find something to do with your lives!!! How in the world in this day and age is this still a job or a good idea when trying to sell things or collect debt? This can't be a fulfilling job. But why they are doing this is not the concern of those of us answering. We just have to find out creative ways to avoid or scare these people.

Redditor u/Jezza_K wanted to hear some advice on how to rid ourselves of those phone callers we all want to rid ourselves of by asking.... What the best way to answer to a spam call?
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