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It's rather sad to think that the majority of men in this world still let even the tiniest things threaten their masculinity.

As a result, countless (mainly heterosexual) men won't wear certain clothes, eat certain foods, or partake in certain activities.

All owing to the fact that they might not appear "manly" in front of present company.

On the flip side, many other men will go out of their way to do things to prove their masculinity.

Needless to say, all of these fears and stigmas are ludicrous, to say the least.

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Group of coworkers holding hands and showing support
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

CW: domestic violence.

People carry biases and false beliefs with them about a broad spectrum of things.

Unfortunately, some of those beliefs involve people, and those beliefs can limit or even hurt them.

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People Break Down The Most Infuriating Double Standards They've Ever Come Across
Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

What's fair is fair.

That is a bold faced LIE!

What's unfair is fair. That moniker seems to define life more accurately.

Everyday we all face them... the double standard.

It's all crap. So let's vent...

Redditor FlameBoySWEwanted to vent about the unfairness of life. They asked:

"What is the most infuriating case of double standards you've come across?"
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Women Share Their Craziest 'I Am The Client, Not My Husband' Stories
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay
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On the popular subreddit "Am I The A**hole?" Reddit users congregate to see whether their strange behavior is justified morally.

One of this past week's most viral posts was from a user named aWorkProblem0, who explained why she's been dressing "frumpier" at work.

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