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Stack of rare hardcover books.
Chris Lawton/Unsplash

Many homeowners and renters tend to decorate their abode with a bare minimum aesthetic–with nothing but furniture and the occasional generic artwork acquired at Target to cover their vast wall space.

Others, however, are usually collectors who proudly display their prized possessions that serve as conversation pieces for visitors.

What others think is trash could literally be treasures to their owners.

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People Describe The Coolest Thing They Own That Isn't Even Super Expensive
Image by Olya Adamovich from Pixabay

Price and quality don't necessarily correlate.

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People Explain How Their 'Piece Of Junk' Turned Out To Be A Valuable Treasure
Photo by Dan Dennis on Unsplash

Everything has value. That is a life mantra that can turn out quite lucrative. We may make fun of and cast judgement on the hoarders we see on tv, but some of them have hidden treasures that have a higher value than a lottery ticket all because they held on and believed everything is worth something. Of course it's sad they never knew it, hence hoarding not being healthy, but I digress. This is why 'Antiques Roadshow' has become such a phenomenon, we all have things that seem ordinary but could be worth a fortune.... or that's the dream. Let's find out....

Redditor u/onemangang15 was wondering who has discovered that the thing they believed was trash was a surprise pearl by asking.... What 'piece of junk' did you find that turned out to be valuable?
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