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People Divulge Which Things Are A Total Turnoff When Meeting Someone New
Photo by John Bussell on Unsplash

Meeting someone new, even in the simplest of situations, is never easy.

Who doesn't want to be liked?

First impressions are everything.

So we need a list of all of the things that put people off instantly.

This way, we're all aware.

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Three giraffes, one looks into the camera, two look away
Photo by Simon Hurry on Unsplash

Threesomes sounds like a good idea at first.

They are fun.

I'm not gonna lie.

But they come with consequences.

They can be crazy and they can be a disaster.

Always be ready for the fallout.

Try to be the extra if it's a relationship.

Then it's not your drama.

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A picture of a perfect home
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

When we enter into someone's home, we need to adhere to what others want in their homes.

Take off your shoes.

No alcohol.

Clean the toilet after use.

All things we can make possible.

Respecting other people's boundaries is important.

That shouldn't be a problem... unless the rules are a bit strange.

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Hand holding a receipt and using a tablet
Photo by Simon Kadula on Unsplash

This whole self-checkout at stores has become quite controversial.

Some people really love it... and others really hate it.

My own mother adamantly opposes using it.

The topic has come up on podcasts, in major newspaper articles, and it's even being discussed on late-night tv.

Who knew it would be the world's next great divide?

But why?

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A man proposes
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Asking someone to marry you is meant to be the best thing in the world.

Two people are finally going to take that leap into the best part of their lives.

But, once and awhile the plan goes completely awry.

So what does one do when yes isn't the immediate response?

Let's find out.

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