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Photograph of an anatomy model
Photo by Alan Calvert on Unsplash

Everyone wishes there was something different about their body.

Smaller nose, longer legs, a different hair or eye color.

There are those, however, whose frustrations with their body are less personal, and more universal.

Finding themselves frustrated less with their own DNA, but with human anatomy in general.

Frustrated by how certain functions work the way they do, and feeling there could be significant improvements in other departments as well.

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A young man pulls a scarf over his head, hiding one eye
Photo by Ali Tareq on Unsplash

Sometimes attraction makes no sense.

But who hasn't been dumbfounded by the things that give others the tingle?

I have a friend, who finds men who yarn as a hobby... IRRESISTIBLE.

It's a strange thing to get hot and bothered over, but who am I to judge.

It seems like anything big or small can be a trigger, in the right places.

There is no rhyme or reason.

Just nature doing its thing.

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On occasion, all of us look in a mirror and wish there was something about our physical characteristics that was different.

Being a few inches taller, having a different hair color, maybe a smaller nose.

But then, as we continue to stare at our reflection, we might suddenly realize there are some things about ourselves which we don't mind at all.

In fact, we might even be proud of our eye color, the shape of our ears, or having an enviable jawline.

For most people, finding their best attribute might not be so difficult to determine, owing to slim pickings.

But for those blessed with good genetics, choosing their best physical trait might be a bit more difficult.

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There are very few people who don't wish there was something different about their body.

Who doesn't dream of washboard abs, smooth silky hair or sparkling eyes?

But what if we could improve our bodies even further?

What if we could give them special features more commonly found in science fiction?

Redditor MeatScepterGuy was curious what feature, big or small, people wished was part of their anatomy, leading them to ask:

"If you had the ability to add a feature to the human body, what would it be?"
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People Break Down The Biggest Design Flaws In The Human Body
Engin Akyurt/Unsplash

Okay, so here's the thing ...

How come humans only have one way to breathe but turtles are out here breathing with their lungs and through their butts?

I keep hearing that humans are the "advanced" species but try telling that to my constantly janky sinuses, postnasal drip, and hyper-responsive cough reflex.

I spend all spring nearly dying by drowning in my own boogers, but turtles can stay trapped under the ice in water for over 100 days cause they've figured out how to use their butt holes as a SCUBA system.

I don't feel very advanced.

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