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In this day and age, it's not uncommon for people to have a side gig -- an extra job as a way to make more money -- aside from their regular 9 to 5.

It's also not super uncommon for some of these people to find that their side gig can -- and sometimes does -- pay them more than their 9 to 5.

My best friend is a brilliant journalist by trade, but he makes way more money by freelance editing than he does as at the paper he writes for. Freelance editing is a side gig, however. He doesn't do it all the time, and yet makes enough to pay his monthly rent just by doing one freelance job!

Redditors have discovered other side gigs that pay them more than their regular 9 to 5, and are ready to share their experidnces.

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People Divulge Their Favorite 'Rich Person Hobbies'

We've all played the "What I would do if I was rich" game.

Admit it.

You've imagined a trillion scenarios for what you would do (after you paid off your debt, of course) with wads of cash. In your imagination, you've given money to friends, started charities or businesses, and probably bought your fair share of imaginary real estate.

And that's all just the basics. We haven't even gotten into all the rich-people hobbies you could take up like SCUBA golfing, sailboat customization, or learning how to melt down antique jewelry to make gem-encrusted bongs for yoga Wednesdays at the gym-slash-coffeehaus.

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People Break Down The Best Hobbies That Are 100% Free
Thought Catalog/Unsplash

Hobbies are great, but they can get awfully expensive very quickly. Not every hobby is going to cost you an arm and a leg, though; some are even completely free!

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People Divulge Which Professions They Have Absolutely No Respect For
Image by rickey123 from Pixabay

Some choice of people's "careers" can be baffling? I've lost track on how many times over the last decade I've said... "that's a job?" It feels like people are just making stuff up as a joke, and then someone decides to give them money for it and then BAM, you've struck gold!

The things people can get paid for, legally, has quadrupled in recent times, so maybe that extended unemployment wasn't necessary. But just because you're getting paid, doesn't mean it's a job or career one should really be thrilled of. Not to shame anyone or be a Debbie Downer, sometimes you just get lucky, and some coin is there for you.

Redditoru/Neil_Murphywanted to discuss people's career choices, by asking:

What profession do you have the least respect for and why?
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