grocery store

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People Debate Whether They'd Bag Groceries For A Living If It Paid $100k Per Year
Liuba Bilyk/Unsplash

Currently, the federal minimum wage in the U.S. is $7.25. There's still a large portion of the population, 1.6 million people, who are working at or below the minimum wage as of 2019.

With inflation, this number really doesn't add up when we look at the cost of living.

Tons of minimum wage workers would want to make $100k per year if they had the chance. But would the money be worth the often boring, repetitive, and even physically demanding jobs?

We went to AskReddit to find out.

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People Outside The United States Explain What They Stock In Their 'American' Food Aisle

Grocery stores in the US often have an interesting mix of foods from other countries, but those foods are definitely a limited selection of what is available in the original country.

They offer a tiny peek into the cuisine of a particular country.

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People Share The Dark Secrets About Grocery Stores Nobody Knows
Getty Images

Grocery stores should be straightforward places, right? We go in, we pick up our groceries, we pay, we leave, we go home, we cook our food... and that's the end of that until the next shopping trip. We surely don't expect to run into anything downright unprofessional or just gross? Right?

Well, nothing is sacred, as we learned after today's burning question from Redditor Catnip_Tea, who asked the online community: "What are some dark secrets about grocery stores?"

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There are certain informative facts in life we maybe don't want to know; information that makes you think... "I'd rather you not tell me that!" Of course that type of information is the most important and we should be aware so we're prepared. For instance, food shopping, we all have to do it. Whether we're physically doing it or paying fresh direct, we all rummage for our home sustenance. And recently some grocery store employees felt we should be made aware of a few things, from shopping with more smarts to what places to just skip all together.

Redditor u/Member-Chewbacca wanted everyone to be prepared before the sojourn for groceries by asking.... Grocery store workers of reddit, what is something you know that we probably shouldn't know?

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Minimum wage is crap. There. I said it. We can all stop pretending it's not. If you've never worked for minimum wage, consider yourself impossibly lucky. Those of you who have will totally get what this reddit user meant when they asked:

Minimum wage workers, what is something that is against the rules for customers to do but you aren't paid enough to actually care?

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