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People Break Down Their Absolute Worst Amusement Park Experiences
Photo by Oneisha Lee on Unsplash

When I was a kid, I LOVED amusement parks and roller coasters.

Then I grew up and life happened.

There is nothing worse than being thrown up on in the Gravitron.

It just makes the whole experience a little less fun.

You know what I mean?

Redditor gakuowwanted to hear about the times people were left... unamused. They asked:

"What is your worst experience at an amusement park?"
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People Who Knew Someone That Died At Their School Share Their Experiences
Photo by Samuel Rios on Unsplash

Content warning: suicide.

Cherish every moment.

That is a saying we just keep taking for granted.

Another second is never promised.

Sometimes we check ourselves when the death of the young happens.

The unfairness of it all is almost too much to handle.

Let's share some stories.

And maybe learn to appreciate life a little more.

Redditordeadmoby5wanted to see who would be willing to share about the not-so-great days in school. They asked:

"Has anyone ever died at your school/college/university? What happened to them?"
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The differences between each of us as individuals is what makes the world go round. Even the people we are most similar to in the entire world--our family--we still have key differences from.

Sometimes it's small stuff, like hair/eye color or eyesight. Other times, it's glaring--like personality, politics, or career paths.

Every difference is key.

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Divorce Lawyers Reveal The Most Ridiculous Reasons Their Client Filed For Divorce

D-I-V-O-R-C-E. The inevitable end for many a couple. Love is swift and often furious. It can overtake you in seconds. Your heart controls your mind and your lust controls your judgement. Next thing you know... BAM... wedding! Now a lot of times that scenario works out and after ups and downs and the usual rigmarole of life there can be a 'happily ever after.' And then sometimes love... burns down your house and life. Often the reasons for divorce are clear and valid and sometimes it's a head scratcher. Nobody knows this more than the people who facilitate the ending of the story.

Redditor u/KlyonneSpencer wanted to hear some juicy marital dramas by asking.... Divorce lawyers of reddit, what is the most ridiculous reason your client filed divorce for?

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As if "Mansplaining" was bad enough, now the youth want to get in the action. Redditor u/the-mjolner-lisa needed to discuss the definition of everyone's new favorite word... Kidsplaining

This should be a thing. When your kid tries to explain something or tell you how it works in a very cute way but is totally wrong.

For example my almost 4-year-old told me how radio towers work. "There is a song or a radio sound and the radio tower has a big magnet in it, and when we want to listen to the sound the big magnet makes the song go into the little magnet in the phone."

Apparently I need to start watching some of these science shows with her because she was right.

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